Chapter Twelve

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Clarissa's POV:

I was sitting with the ladies in the living room while my younger older brothers were in the play gaming room, playing video games. We were talking about random stuff and they're complaining about their sons, I was watching them amused.

"My sons have been acting differently the last couple of days," mom said then looked at me smiling which caused everyone to smile with her.

"What do you mean, mom?" I asked confused with furrowed eyebrows. She chuckled, "Sweetheart haven't you see Dante showing emotions, smiling when everyone is and being sad when everyone else is," she said,

"Haven't you seen Tony talking more than he used to, he's actually giving verbal words," aunty Nicole said,

"Haven't you seen Enzo showing how happy he is by taking care of you," aunty Greta said,

"Haven't you seen Gio smiling more than crying," aunty Georgia said,

"Haven't you seen Matteo less angry and Marco less quite," grandma said,

"Haven't you seen Lucas smiling and laughing more than usual," mom said, I looked at them with a blank face,

"It's all because of you Bambina, they're all happy because of you and I'm sure you're gonna work your charm on your other brothers, trust me they all were so happy when they found out that you're back," Grandma said making me smile at her.

"You know, my whole life I always yearned for aunty Nicole's proud smile, aunty Greta's cookies, aunty Georgia's kindness, mom's cuddles, and grandma's motherly hugs. I always wanted to go find my dad or one of my uncles to tell them I need their help or if someone picked on me, I always yearned to see grandpa being stern with everyone except me and mostly I always wanted my brothers to support me and be there for me so I can lean on them. I always dreamed of the day I tell them that I'm dating someone and they go crazy wanting to beat him. They were all dreams I didn't know if I was ever gonna have." I said smiling with glossy eyes, they all looked at me with tears in their eyes and hugged me.

Third person's POV:

The ladies were oblivious to the fact that everyone heard what Clarissa said, the younger ones were crying and feeling guilty for not showing their sister the love she yearned for her whole life while the older brothers were beating themselves for not being the people she could lean, for being so cold to her and not expressing their love to her. While the oldies were looking at the only daughter of the family in guilt for not finding her earlier, for not being there when she needed their help.

Alessio and Lucas were about to go to Clarissa and hug her when Marco and Gianni pulled them back, they whispered for everyone to follow them. They all walked to Dante's office. Everyone scattered around the room.

They all were in their own bubbles when Leo snaps them back to reality, "We gotta do something," he said shocking everyone. He usually doesn't talk at all, the family even forgets that he actually talks.

"Yeah, and I know she's gonna be so happy with whatever we do to her even with the smallest things," Gio said smiling.

"How about we go shopping and then we go have dinner somewhere," Alessio said,

"No, she still can't leave the house, any wrong move and her stitches would reopen and we can't let that happen," Enzo said making everyone nod in understanding.

Everyone went quiet for a while, they were trying to think of something that would show Clarissa that she can count on them, that they will always be there for her and love her.

Tony snapped his fingers as if he got an idea, then got up and motioned everyone to follow him. They all got up and followed Tony who was walking to the theatre room. They all sat down while Tony stood up and started, "the point is to make Rissa remember that we are here, that we were never complete without her, so let's remind her of the times she was here. Let's get every photo and video of Rissa when she was with us, then we'll present it on the projector as a movie."

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