Chapter Twenty Five

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Clarissa's POV:

People say time heals everything but that's not true, if time does anything it breaks your already broken soul because you wait and wait for everything to be good and for you to feel happy but while you're waiting for all the good things to happen, something comes crashing you down to the very start.

That's what happened with me, I was healing, I was fighting to heal, I was also doing it with the help of my family who crashed me without realising.

Am I mad at them? No

Am I sad that they did it? definitely

But will I forgive them? I will but I need time, I know that I won't be able to treat them badly but I also need to protect myself, I don't wanna be hurt again. While I was worrying about the things that happened to me by my uncle, now I have to worry about the things my family will do to me.

I know they won't hurt me physically but I'm not sure about their words and actions.

I've been in the hospital for a whole night, Marco is in the room next to me. They wanted to stay with me but I didn't let them. Mom is staying with Marco though.

I don't know how to feel about that either but I can't blame them because I told them that I wanna be alone.

Eduardo wanted to stay with me but I convinced him to go and take care of Mila after the incident. Eduardo is probably the only one who understood me between all these things. He helped me without even knowing. He's giving me a reason to fight.

I haven't slept for a second this whole night, the sun is rising and I'm laying down staring off at distance.

The nurses have come and checked on me a couple of times giving me pain killers because the wound hurts. My family asked me how I got stabbed but I said nothing and they gave up at the end knowing I won't tell them.

Even if I'm hurt by what they did to me, I don't want them to blame themselves for what happened to me.

I sigh reaching for my phone on the table next to me, I have a session with Melissa at seven-thirty, I called her yesterday after everyone left and she told me she'll face time me as soon as possible.

I check the time and it's six am. I'm worried about work, I don't know how they'll handle the runway without me. I need to prepare everything but I'm not sure how I'll do it while I'm at the hospital. I'll probably sign myself out and go to my penthouse for a couple of days, I need to stay alone for a while.

I know they won't let me but if they expect me to be normal with them then they have to leave me alone.

I text Carol to bring me all the files that need to be signed to the hospital, she asked me what happened but I told her I'll explain later. Vic has a shift later so I know she'll see me.

I put my phone down and closed my eyes trying to rest. I heard my door creak open so I kept my eyes closed not wanting to talk to anyone at the moment, I hear footsteps and realise it's mom from her perfume. She caresses my hair, "I'm sorry," she mutters quietly.

"I'm so sorry my baby, you had to hide your pain from us because you didn't want us to worry," she said crying.

I kept my eyes closed, I can't give in immediately. After a couple of minutes, I hear her sighing and leaving the room.

I turn to my side and open my eyes, wiping my tears.

I check my phone and realise it's my session time. I sit up carefully and Melissa calls me.

I answer,

Melissa: Hi, Clarissa, I hope you're feeling better.

Clarissa: Physically; I don't really feel anything, but emotionally; I'm drained

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