Chapter Forty Nine

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Clarissa's POV:

I wake up by the sound of my babies' cries, I walk towards their nursery and see both of them awake, I turn the lights on and grab both of them and sit on the sofa.

"Are you hungry?" I cooed kissing their heads. I took off my shirt and brought them close to my nipples and they started eating.

I learnt how to feed them both together.


It's been four days since I gave birth and two days since we left the hospital, we're at our own house right now. Mom and aunty Ana wanted us to stay with one of them to help us but we didn't wanna trouble them.

When we arrived home, the place was decorated and everyone was there celebrating the twins. It was amazing. We had lunch and then everyone left.

It's still hard taking care of twins, especially when they wake up every hour. Eduardo helps me a lot but I know he's exhausted so I just let him sleep and I'd take care of the twins.

I got used to staying up at night during my pregnancy so it's nothing new.

I kiss their heads as they eat.

They stop eating and I put their heads on my chest so they would go back to sleep. I start singing to help them sleep faster.

"Frère Jacques, frère Jacques
Dormez-vous? Dormez-vous?
Sonnez les matines
Sonnez les matines
Ding dang dong
Ding dang dong"

I see their eyes close and I get up slowly and put them in their cribs and tuck them in. I put my shirt back on and turn the lights off then go back to bed.

I lay down and feel an arm wrap around me, I smile and snuggle closer to Eduardo, "Are they asleep?" he asked and I hummed. He kissed my head and we fell asleep.


I woke up in the morning and looked at the clock to see it's still six am and Eduardo is still sleeping. I kiss his cheek and get up, I check on the twins then walk back to my room and get into the shower.

I wash my hair and body then get out and do my morning routine. After getting dressed, I walk out to see Eduardo still sleeping.

I walk to the nursery and grab the now awake twins and take them with me to the kitchen. I put them in their swing chairs and put them in front of me so that I can see them.

I start making breakfast and check on the twins from time to time. I was flipping a pancake when I felt arms wrap around my waist.

I lean back onto Eduardo smiling, "Good morning," he said kissing my neck. "Good morning," I said turning off the stove and turning around.

He smiled and attached our lips together and we kissed passionately. We pulled away and smiled at each other.

He kissed my head and walked towards the twins kissing their cheeks. I put the pancakes on a plate and put them on the table where everything else was.

"Thanks for making breakfast, darling," Eduardo said and I smiled sending him a flying kiss. We sat down and started eating.

"When are you getting back to work?" I asked curiously and he swallowed. "In a couple of months, I can't just leave you by yourself with two newborns," he said and I nodded.

I was about to put a piece of pancakes in my mouth when Alek started crying, I put my fork down and was about to get up but Eduardo stopped me and went to Alek.

"What's up, little man?" Eduardo asked him softly. "I smell something," Eduardo said making my eyes widen.

"His diaper needs a change," I said getting up, "it's ok, I'll do it," Eduardo said surprising me.

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