Chapter Twenty Two

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Alisa's POV: (Mom)

Clarissa is our light in life, everyone goes to her when feeling down and she always knows what to do to make them feel better. She also had control over the boys' anger which is something we all tried to stop but Claris was the only one who succeeded.

Everyone who sees this girl would fall in love with her personality.

I've seen her and Eduardo glancing at each other, she thinks no one notices but I definitely did and I absolutely ship them. You can tell that Eduardo is feeling something towards her and I couldn't be happier but I have to get myself ready to help her convince the males in our family.

We're all sitting in the living room of Petrov's mansion waiting for Claris to arrive, Enzo called her and I nearly got a heart attack when I heard that she's in the hospital but then I remembered why she went, to help her friend's dad.

I was talking with Nicole, Greta, Georgia, Isabella, Anastasia and mom when the bell rang. Clarissa entered the room with tear stains on her face making me frown, what happened?

Mila ran to her and hugged her leg making her smile, Claris bent down and pulled Mila up with her. She hugged her tightly closing her eyes.

"Why were you crying?" Mila asked her frowning, "I wasn't crying, baby," Claris said but no one believed her except Mila who smiled at her.

"What did you do today?" She asked Mila who's smile widened. "I went to the park with mommy and then we had ice cream," she said excitedly, we all smiled at her cuteness.

"That's great, you had a lot of fun, right?" Claris asked Mila nodded, Claris kissed Mila's cheek.

She then turned to us and smiled, we all smiled back. I gave her a questioning look on why she's crying but she motioned to Mila making me nod in understanding.

"Can I hug my sister now?" Lucas asked Mila making us all shake our heads at him.

"No, I didn't hug her enough," Mila said and Lucas frowned.

"But she's my sister, I need to hug her," he said and Mila glared at him.

"No, she's my sissy," Mila said and I could tell Claris was happy to hear that because she kissed Mila's head.

Lucas was about to argue again when Claris put Mila's weight on one arm and hugged him with the other.

"Where's my third younger sibling?" she asked looking for Alessio who was watching them with a pout.

"I'm not younger than you," Alessio argued, "then why were you pouting my very ugly but cute brother?" she asked teasingly and we all laugh at him.

He walked to her and hugged her. She hugged all three of them then kissed their foreheads making us chuckle at a glaring Lucas and Alessio.

She put Mila down and the other two let her go. She looked at everyone and smiled, "sorry everyone, I didn't get a chance to say hi, I had to deal with my younger siblings," she said and we all smiled at her.

I patted the place next to me and she sat cuddling to me. I kissed her forehead and she sighed. "Are you ok?" I whispered in her ear and she nodded.

"Why are we here?" she muttered so no one can hear except me, "Eduardo called for a meeting after the man who we caught yesterday confessed," I said and she nodded closing her eyes.

I kissed her forehead again and then I felt her breath become even. She fell asleep.

I caught Alfonso looking at her worriedly but I shook my head and smiled at him.

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