Chapter Forty Six

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Third Person's POV:

Everyone was shocked. The ladies were really excited to be grandmothers.

The men didn't know how to react, they were really happy that they're gonna be grandfathers but they think Clarissa is still young to have kids.

Ales was really happy for his best friend, he was gonna be an uncle but he also knew her brothers won't react the way she wants.

The twenty brothers?

Don't even ask.

Well, the first thing they were feeling was rage, they couldn't believe the fact that their sister had sex with someone and that she's gonna be a mother.

Eduardo's brothers were happy, they're gonna be uncles. They were also getting ready to take the guys off their brother.

Clarissa was scared when she heard Dante, she didn't want anything to happen to her children's father or to her brothers. She knew that her brothers will only think that she did something with Eduardo and forget about the fact that they're gonna be uncles.

Eduardo was looking at her brothers unbothered, he saw this coming. He was also scared that their reaction might affect Clarissa. After hearing what the doctor said, he knew that she shouldn't feel any stress which isn't happening right now.

Mila was sitting watching everyone cluelessly not understanding what Clarissa said to begin with, while Emma congratulated Clarissa and was looking at the others in confusion as to why they are reacting that way.

"Aren't you gonna answer the question?" Paolo asked Eduardo making him sigh. Clarissa was about to say something when Eduardo stopped her.

He didn't wanna get her between this, he knew she'd get hurt unintentionally. "I did and I'm really happy that I'm gonna be a dad," Eduardo said thinking the brothers would understand but that only made them angrier.

"The fuck! You're still a fucking baby," Nicolo shouted making Clarissa flinch and put a hand on her stomach protectively.

"Hey! don't shout at your sister," Eduardo warned Nicolo making him glare at him. Clarissa was on the verge of crying seeing her brothers act like this but she knew she had to push her hormones to the side and talk this out.

"He's right, she's still a baby. Even if you didn't get pregnant why would you have sex with someone," Matteo yelled at Clarissa.

The oldies didn't know what to do, they knew they had to stop their kids at some point but they also wanted them to do the things they weren't able to do.

Oldies knew if they did this instead of the kids they would hurt Clarissa so they left it for the kids.

The ladies wanted to stop their kids but they were pulled back by their husbands.

"Are you planning on saying something?" Ales asked the couple in anger. When he got no answer he shook his head at them.

"Why would they say something? they think they're right," Gianni said.

Eduardo was holding himself not wanting to say something and disrespect the others, he knew it would hurt Clarissa and that's all he cared about. Clarissa's feelings.

"Clarissa," Tony warned her in an angry voice making her even sadder. "Why aren't you saying anything? did you finally understand your mistake?" Marco asked.

Mila and Emma were taken from the dining room to another room by one of the maids so they wouldn't hear anything.

"Just shut up, SHUT UP," Clarissa finally yelled, she's had enough. They were crossing the line. They're her brothers and she loved them but they can't talk to her like that.

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