Chapter Twenty Nine

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Clarissa's POV:

Dante parks the car, Tony helps me out. I wait for Emma to get out and she grabs my hand making me smile. Dad opened the door and we walked in.

It's still one pm and it was time for lunch. "Are you guys hungry?" mom asked and Lucas nodded eagerly making us chuckle. We all walk to the kitchen and sit around the island. I pull out a stool for Emma next to me and she sits down.

Mom, Enzo and Gio start making something quickly and they put it in front of us, the twins and Lucas literally attack the plate and we look at them as if they were stupid.

They look at us, "What?" Lucas asked with a filled mouth, I smacked his head making him whine and rub his head. I heard a giggle from my side making me smile knowing it's Emma.

"There's something called eating which you aren't doing right now," I said and they frowned at me, "You're attacking the food like elephants," I said and they glared at me while the others laughed at them.

I put food on Emma's plate and on mine. We started eating while Lucas was asking stupid questions.

"We haven't introduced ourselves to Emma yet," dad said looking at us and we all nodded. Everyone introduced themselves and I realised Emma becoming more comfortable around us.

We finish eating and I feel Emma looking at her body with disgust making me sigh. "I'm taking Emma to her room and I'm gonna go have a shower," I said and everyone nodded.
I extended my hand towards Emma and she grabbed it, we walked up the stairs towards one of the guest rooms that's close to mine.

I open the door and we enter, I hear Emma gasp making me smile. "This is your room, for now. This is the bathroom and the closet. You can go have a shower, I'll bring you something to wear and I'll take you shopping tomorrow," I said and she nodded walking inside the bathroom, I went to my room grabbing the smallest things I have and going back to her room.

I sit on the bed waiting for her to get out. I prepare the first aid kit knowing she has bruises on her body that need to be cleaned.

I'm scrolling through social media when I hear the bathroom door open and Emma comes out wrapped in a towel, she looks down shyly. I smile at her in assurance.

"I brought you undies and these, for now, these are the smallest things I found so just bear with the size for now," I said, "Thank you," she said but I shook my head.

"Do you want me to clean your wounds?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Alright, I left the first aid kit over there, please clean your wounds so they don't get infected," I said getting up and she smiled nodding.

"My room is the third one on the right if you need anything," I said walking out. I walked to my room and got out of my clothes walking to the bathroom for a very needed shower.

After a twenty minutes shower, I walk out and get dressed then dry my curly hair. I walk out of the bathroom and to my room laying down on the bed.

I miss Alex, he's been out of town for a couple of days, I open my phone and send him a message knowing he might be asleep right now not wanting to wake him up. I put my phone down and close my eyes.

I should tell Eduardo what happened with the missions and about Emma. I actually doubt that my parents will adopt Emma knowing they already have eight kids but where will that child go. I can't just leave her homeless.

I sigh trying to stop thinking, for now, I get up from my bed and walk to my dad's office knowing he'll be there.

I knock on the door and walk inside after hearing a come in. Dad and Dante were sitting next to each other. I walked inside and smiled at them.

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