..In the midst of all the chaos, she was his distraction...
How much could change in just 8 years of absence? Looks? Fate? Feelings, perhaps?
#1 Shakespeare 17/12/22
#1 Risk 03/03/23
She watched as the light reflected off the piercings on her face.
There were a bunch of them.
One on her left eyebrow, one on her nose, three on each of her ears and one on her tongue. She considered getting more.
She gently ran a brush over her eyelids and carved her already perfect eyebrows.
She knew she was beautiful. Drop dead gorgeous even.
She needn't do much. Tobias had made sure to always remind her. He always said she had the prettiest eyes he had seen.
She looked back at the now dressed up dark skinned girl and smiled in approval.
A small blue dress with black heels was just the right outfit. Even her normal piercing jewelry was replaced with diamonds, a matching necklace, and a Rolex wristwatch. She loved how expensive she felt.
She called a taxi to drive her to the party instead of taking her car as she was a hundred percent sure she was getting drunk and possibly, laid.
It had been a while.
She could hear music blasting from the park with 'closed' tape at the entrance and began to have second thoughts. Why was it so loud if this was meant to be secret?
Would Tobias approve of it? She shook her head.
Fuck. Off.
It didn't matter if he would. If he cared, he would have been there.
"Hey, Enny!" Deanna suddenly called from behind the tape.
It was not difficult to spot out the birthday girl. She had a bright pink jump suit and something that looked like a tiara on her head.
"Hey, Deanna." She smiled tightly as the birthday girl held up the tape so she could crouch and walk under.
"I'm so glad you could make it, you look great!" Deanna smiled widely and Eniola could easily spot the obnoxiously fake diamond braces in her mouth.
"You look very nice too, Where's the party?" She lied through her teeth.
She could hear faint music but the entire place was almost dark and deserted, save for a couple dry humping and making out at their far right.
"Oh!" Deanna exclaimed and began to walk forward with Eniola being pulled by the elbow behind her. "It's at the back. Where no one from the outside would spot any of us." She explained as she took a turn
A party in full swing was full on display with an assortment of drinks and average looking men that barely caught Eniola's eye.
She felt right at home.
"It's the cops! The cops are here!" A person Eniola easily recognised as the blondie from the restaurant suddenly exclaimed turning the entire party on its head.
In a split second, the place was nearly emptied.
Eniola was pushed and bumped into as the party goers tried to escape but she maintained a strong hold on her fourth bottle of beer. She hadn't even gotten drunk.
She was disappointed.
"Eniola, come on, you have to get out of here!" A person she failed to recognise began to pull her away from the entire mess while she did not bother to put up a fight.
She wondered if the incident would go viral enough to get Tobias's attention.
The person suddenly stopped with a bunch of other people.
"They are blocking the exit-"
"Everybody on the floor!" A loud voice announced through a megaphone as police officers surrounded the park. The number of sirens ringing was deafening.
Everyone except Eniola dropped to their knees, some with their hands in the air and others, their stomachs on the grass.
Her dress was too expensive for that.
She huffed and pulled her hand from her newly appointed chauffeur as he tried to drag her down along with him. Did he really expect her to follow the rules? Fuck them rules. Fuck the police. Screw them.
She marched away from the mayhem and back to the party but was hurriedly followed by a couple of cops.
"Stop! This is the police. Stop!!" A chubby officer called out to her, pointing a gun at her but she disobeyed. She doubted if yielding a weapon at an unharmed civilian was legal.
"Or what?" She said reaching for a bottle.
She enjoyed the rushes of adrenaline pumping through her veins. What would he do? Shoot me?
"You will be charged for resisting-" He didn't get to finish the sentence as she threw the bottle at his fat head making his other officers charge towards her. Before she knew it, she was slammed against a table and her wrists forced into handcuffs behind her.
She was dragged outside and was almost blinded by the paparazzi hungry for a scandalous picture of her and she would give them exactly what they wanted.
"Fuck the police! Fuck them! Fuck all of you. Go to fucking hell if you wish!" She yelled at the top of her voice raising both her middle fingers from behind her to all the media and police before she was forced into the police vehicle.
He was definitely going to hear about it.
"What did you say she did again?"
"She attacked a police officer and tried to strangle another one with handcuffs, Sir." Clara answered, visibly shaken at what Eniola had done this time.
In her five years of reporting back, the news had never been so extreme.
"How did she even arrive at that situation?"
"She went partying at a restriction location, Sir."
Tobias inhaled deeply, calming himself. It would be useless to fuss over a small matter.
He returned to the spreadsheet he had been working on for the past hour. He had only arrived from Spain a few hours ago and yet Clara was already making him work.
"What was the conclusion?"
"She has a court hearing on Monday sir. She's being charged with assault, obstruction of justice and trespassing. Currently on house arrest because Anthony managed to pull some strings." Clara read out her notepad.
Eniolawas obviously a handful.
"What do you think the verdict would be?" He asked twirling the same pen for the one millionth time.
"I believe she could spend at least 5 years in prison if she's found guilty." Clara said unable to hide the small smirk on her lips.
Tobias frowned.
He knew Clara would be glad to have some peace of mind and not need to keep tabs on the child.
He on the other hand owed it to Eniola's father to keep her safe.
"Have you ever been to New York?"
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