He woke from his sleep with a small gasp. The events in his dream had left him in cold sweat even with how cold the room was.Why was it so intense? He thought.
It was frighteningly similar to what had happened the night before but this time, it was a little too bold.
The details of the dream burned into his brain as cupped his entire face with his hands. He could still feel the heat from their bodies. He could still feel her writhing in pleasure under and on top of him.
Fuck, I'm done for.
He stretched to see she was still asleep on the bed which was good. If he hadn't opted to sleep on the floor, he did not think he would have been strong enough to reject her drunken advances.
She had passed out before their lips could even touch and he had to carry her to bed. Somehow, she had woken up, looking at him almost longingly as he took off his shirt.
"I want to take mine off too. Why can't I?" She whined tugging at the pink Hoodie she had stolen from him.
He held it in place, not sure he wanted to still figure out if she had anything underneath it.
"If you were not drunk out of you mind, I would have considered it." He said and she pouted.
"Even if I was not drunk, you would still say the same thing." She was right and he knew it, but still...
"Can I trust you to still be dressed and hopefully asleep when I return from the bathroom?" He asked, finally letting go her when she nodded with a grin.
"Can I join you?"
"No." Her smile died instantly.
"But why?! Would you prefer Chun Wang to join you then?" She asked, not bothering to hide the envy lacing her voice.
He paused to look at her. He did not think he had told her about Esmeralda.
"How did you know about Esme?" She shrugged and drew closer to him.
"A little birdie..." Her attention shifted the tattoos on his chest -that was at her eye level.
"Does that little birdie happen to be Alvaro?" She merely nodded at his question, her hands shamelessly grazing over his chest... Right above the 'sand' tattoo.
"If I would get another tat, it would be this one." Her nails felt good against his skin and he felt himself wanting more when she stopped. Wait—
"Another?" He did not know she had any ink.
"Yes. I have just one, right above my ass. Wanna see?" Her glossy eyes beamed with lust and amusement as her fingers found his.
"Tempting offer, yes." He untethered his hands from hers when he realized she was leading him to the hems of the sweater. "We might revisit the subject when your impulses are not alcohol driven."
Her frown deepened even further and he expected her to scream at him again but she didn't.
"So you'll see my ass when I'm not drunk?" She asked, teasing him. He caught her hands again when they began wandering to his lower body.
"You're drunk, Fuego. Please just lie down and sleep." He pleaded and she playfully rolled her eyes.
"You're so hot when you're being all reasonable." She said, slowly licking her bottom lip. He did not know why she looked so submissive while he locked both of her wrists in his grip.

Don Ferna (BWWM)
Romance..In the midst of all the chaos, she was his distraction... ~~~ How much could change in just 8 years of absence? Looks? Fate? Feelings, perhaps? HIGHEST RATING: #1 Shakespeare 17/12/22 #1 Risk 03/03/23