Christmas Birthday.

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There had never been a moment of peace since the twins came into their lives and as much as Eniola tried to pretend she didn't, she loved the chaotic duo.

It was a little too much to handle when they were more than just two and Christmas was the perfect excuse for all hell to break loose.

Alvaro and Clara's daughters, Hanifa and Aurora were not any different from their father. Energetic, troublesome and obsessed with taunting their poor old cat, Cricket. Rebecca's son, Andres, took every opportunity to fight Alejandro who had a bit too much pride to go down without punching back.

Casimiro on the other hand was having a fun time pulling Aurora's long blonde pigtails. He said she looked like Rapunzel. Nobody saw it.

"Mommy! Mommy!!" The frantic screaming made Eniola turn off the mixer and face the growing five year old running towards her.

Fortunately, Alejandro stopped himself before crashing into the counter.

"Yin, What'd I tell you about running in the house?" she cautioned and he just shrugged.

"I dunno.. Hani, Rory and Andy are running around. Nobody stops them."

Of fucking course.

Ignoring his mother's glowering face, he stretched on his tippy toes to see what was in the mixer. "What you doing? What you doing?!"

Eniola could not keep her frown for long as she picked him up so he could see better.

"Ohhhh butter! Cake?" he asked and when she nodded he clapped. "Daddy's cake?"

"You're so smart!" Eniola said, setting him back on his fit and smoothening down his rumpled clothes. "But I can't do much with you guys coming in here every two minutes."

Alejandro tilted his head. "Why isn't uncle helping you? He likes cakes too."

She had begged Alvaro to help her but the idiot happened to find himself on the other side of the country and would not be able to get back to Cadiz until evening. Her next available option, Clara was busy decorating the Christmas tree that Eniola had conveniently forgotten to do.

She had been more caught up with planning Tobias' birthday.

The celebrant was missing as well. Something about a missing shipment. Occasionally, his presence was needed in Valencia and it was never something he looked forward to doing.

"Uncle isn't here. He has a Christmas picnic with some kids in Malaga." Eniola explained as she ran the mixer again, scooping a bit to put on Alejandro's nose.

He giggled and took it off with his fingers.

"Where's Malaga?" he asked, curious. At his age, he wanted to know everything.

"It's another city, just like here. Do you know where we are?"

"Cadiz?" he quickly answered, grinning when she nodded. "Is Malaga near us? Can we go?"

Eniola tapped her chin. "Hm, should I put that in after Addis Ababa and New Delhi?"

Alejandro gave her another shrug and she just patted his head.

Anytime he learned that somewhere that wasn't Cadiz existed, he wanted to go there. Tobias had entertained him twice when he swore he saw Nigeria in his dreams and when he wanted to go to Mendoza after hearing about it in a cartoon.

They had quickly learned that he could be very impulsive when he asked to go back home on their third day in Argentina.

"Where's daddy though? Finally went to get milk?" he suddenly asked and Eniola's eyes widened.

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