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Tobias was more than grateful his ringing phone interrupted the argument between Eniola and Luca. The boy did not think blowing up the one of a kind safe was an ingenious idea and Eniola on the other hand did not give a damn.

However, he was less than grateful when he read the Caller ID.

“It’s Alvaro.” He quietly answered after realising the group’s attention was on him.

He sighed before excusing himself from them. The stench of congealed blood was getting stronger.

“Hello, Varo.” He greeted as he climbed down the stairs, casually mirroring the bloody footsteps. He would need to have the entire house cleaned.

Hello gorgeous.” Varo replied flirtatiously. Tobias could not help but think he sounded high. He listened to the clattering of chinaware in the background.

“Is there a problem?” He asked, his eyes lingering on a framed portrait of an infant Eniola. She would be pissed to see the small specks of blood on it.

Not really. I just wanted to know what’s up and to say sorry for pissing you off earlier.” The man’s voice lowered a bit at the end and Tobias could easily picture him nervously pulling his hair.

“Well, I would rather discuss the recent developments with you in person.” He answered. He knew how easy it was for his calls to be monitored with the entire Berlusconi issue and now, the detective knowing who he was.

Of course.” He was glad Alvaro easily understood what he meant. “So…” The man started again making Tobias roll his eyes. He thought he was done with the conversation.

Que pasa, Alvaro?” What's up? He asked hearing a bit of murmuring. He could faintly hear Alvaro briefly lash out on someone.

"Do I look like I would give a fuck if he fucking dies?" Varo harshly whispered before hissing and returning back to the call.

The man had serious anger problems.

What’s the deal with the Gillian and Lothario shit I have been hearing about?” Varo questioned making him frown again. He had guessed that the weird thing going on between the two was not necessarily secretive but it still stung to hear it firsthand. “I thought you liked her.” The lawyer added and Tobias sighed as he played around with a caution tape. The investigation crew had left it behind.

“And why would you think that?” He asked and Alvaro scoffed.

Why would you think that?” He imitated Tobias's deep voice in an exaggerated way. “Listen here, batman, I have known you since you were what? 9? Yes, thirteen, and you haven’t touched a woman. I was beginning to think we played for the same team back then—

“Can you go straight to the point?” Tobias cut him off, slightly embarrassed. He could not easily forget the relentless pick up lines Varo had teased him with when they were a lot younger.

"Straight?" Varo's voice was humourous and Tobias' dulled.


"Aww, why so serious?" Varo cooed and continued after Tobias said nothing. "Well, seeing you make out with a woman well, another human, was rather surprising. I was actually rooting for you two. Clara and I even came up with Tobiola."

"That's a horrible name." He replied making Alvaro laugh. The echoing of his laughter made Tobias realise he was now alone.


"Definitely not—"

"Eniobias?" Tobias rolled his eyes at his friend's silliness.

"I'm done with this conversation."

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