Tobias watched as Eniola got ready for the day.
He had also listened to her complains about claustrophobia and relating it to her house arrest. She had also snapped at him twice for being too quiet and she was feisty that morning. He quickly realized why though; it was that time of the month.
He knew she had the most painful cramps and would usually take breaks from work to tend to her violent self during those times. During times like this, she scared him.
"Why aren't you saying anything?" She suddenly yelled from her closet, making him look up from the news article he was reading.
"You asked me to shut up a while ago, Princess. " It was true. The woman had shut him up every time he did as little as open his mouth. He eventually gave up and just let her do the talking.
"No, I didn't." She suddenly came to view wearing the ugliest shade of green sweatpants and a yellow hoodie.
He had to bite his tongue in order to refrain from saying the colours did not exactly go well together.
"You're right, you didn't." He agreed, knowing it was much wider than arguing with her. "How are you feeling?"
She loudly exhaled, walking over to wear he sat and falling into his lap. He laughed at her antics but hooked a hand around her waist, securing her from falling.
"Like death." Eniola mumbled as she buried her head in the crook of his neck. "The pain relief ain't doing shit."
He sighed as he rested his head against hers. Being a woman was horrible sometimes. "What can I do to make you feel better?"
She hesitated in her answer before sighing. "Say you love me?"
He smiled. There was zero doubt in his mind that he loved her.
"I love you."
She still did not seem satisfied as he did as she asked. "You say it like I'm your little sister or something."
Well, he pretty much recognised her as such.
"Is that supposed to be a bad thing?" He asked, his voice gentle.
Eniola raised her head up, her hand tapping his to let her go. He did as she asked.
"Uhm... I need to use the bathroom. I'll meet you downstairs." She said, avoiding his question and eyes. She was gone before he could get a word in.
"Enny? Will you be alright?" He called and was met with silence.
Tobias could not help but wonder what had gone wrong. She had always been the most important person to him and to an extent, he cared for her more than he did for Rebecca. Which was understandable given their circumstances and age difference.
What went wrong?
"For fuck's sake Gato, Aristotle didn't think as hard as you did!" Alvaro suddenly flicked his boss right between the eyes. Tobias hadn't even realised that he had gotten to the living room.
"Here." Clara had already prepared a cup of coffee for him. Her face was flushed, it was obvious Alvaro was being mischievous again.
"Thank you, Clara." He thanked her, his mood lifting a bit as he saw how creamy his drink was. Finally.
"The results came in a few hours ago." Alvaro started as he sat in front of Tobias who sipped his coffee and looked at the envelopes littered on the dining table.
"The lab and Miguel's." The man explained, retrieving the papers from their cases.
Tobias could not wait to get the news.

Don Ferna (BWWM)
Romance..In the midst of all the chaos, she was his distraction... ~~~ How much could change in just 8 years of absence? Looks? Fate? Feelings, perhaps? HIGHEST RATING: #1 Shakespeare 17/12/22 #1 Risk 03/03/23