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"What's your last name again?" Franco asked the cop that Clara had now clogged a tissue up his nose to prevent the bleeding.

"R-rachovic." The man forced out as he dragged himself along with the men.

"That's Russian, right? Do you know Putin? Heard he was a cool guy." He asked again.

"Idiot, he's German and how the fuck would he know a fucking president?" Luis said with a frown.

"Oh." Franco didn't seem to mind the insult as he turned to Sergei. "You know Hitler?"

"Fransisco, for fuck's sake—"

Tobias was glad he had agreed to make the deal with him.

"W-what if I refuse?" Sergei coughed out more blood as he tried to speak.

Tobias did not need to answer the question.

"Ra...cho..vic... Got it!" Franco said after repeating the questions a hundred times and then typing the name into his phone.

"Luis?" Tobias called from ahead of them. He could hear the slight hasty footsteps as the man jogged towards him.

"Yes, jefe?"

"Take Sergei to the house." He instructed and Luis looked at him for a brief second before he nodded.

"Come on, asshole." He yelled, marching back to the group to drag the cop by his collar.

"Wait a sec—" Alvaro called him back, pulling out a Ziploc from his coat. "Just to be safe." He harshly strapped the contraption around the man's arms.

"Fuck, Varo. His palms are turning blue." Luis commented and Varo rolled his eyes, shoving Sergei towards him.

"The tighter the lock is, the less chance he has getting free and strangling you in the fucking car. Now get going." He replied dusting his palms and pulling Clara with him to meet up with Tobias who had been waiting for them.

"I feel like I'm transporting a fucking prisoner. If he tries shit, I'll fucking shoot him." Luis grumbled as they got to where the cars were parked. It was far past two and Tobias knew they had to start making their way back to the court for the verdict ruling.

He almost rolled his eyes when he heard Sergei mutter something under his breath as Luis pushed him into the car and Franco got in as well.

"I swear I've seen this on Fast and Furious before."

"Drive safe," Tobias said hitting the boot of the vehicle just as the smurf-haired man drove off.

"Are you sure that man is worth it, jefe?" Varo asked as they casually watched Rebecca and Eniola stroll out of the restaurant along with his men.

Tobias did not fail to notice Luca subtly pass a note to the waiter he was talking to earlier. He knew he would question him later.

"I believe it's called a gut feeling? " He asked Alvaro who glanced at Clara for a second then nodded. "Yes, I have a feeling I can trust him... To an extent."

With his family on the line, Sergei was at his mercy, and as much as Tobias knew it was a weakness. No matter how cute babies were, having them in their line of work was incredibly dangerous. He could not phantom the lives of his wife or children being threatened because of him. He would easily go mad.

"I trust your judgment, boss," Alvaro answered just as Eniola got to Tobias. His heart lifted lightly as he realized she was smiling. He was glad that being in Rebecca's company distracted her.

"Hey." She said almost shyly. "You left your coat and jacket in there." He almost sighed in relief when he saw the clothes. It was cold outside.

"Thank you." He said in gratitude as he shrugged on the suit jacket. "Let's head back to the court. I just hope the session does not take long." He had had a long day and could not wait to lay in bed and rest. Would she want to lay with me?

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