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"Do you think he will be alright?" Eniola quietly asked Tobias who just chuckled as he wiped his hands on his already bloodied coat. "Tobias? Is he going to be alright?" She asked, her voice louder than before.

She needed an answer. It was not every day her normally calm and collected Tobias was planning to turn someone into a living and breathing, well, hardly breathing sieve.

"Maybe." He answered with an emotion she tried to think was amusement.

"And you're fine with it?" She asked again, frowning when he clicked his tongue.

"Of course I am, why won't I be?" She glanced at his forced smile for a moment then set her eyes back on her thighs. It was difficult to look anywhere else as his tense presence and glare were almost suffocating her.

"Well, your hands are shaking and these bloody knives are a bit off-putting." She pointed at the thin blades he stuffed in a lone glove and kept between them.

"I have adrenaline coursing through my veins. Of course, my hands are shaking." He answered, laughing again and taking a second to pick up the glove before stuffing it in his bloody coat.


"You would have asked to ride with the rest or Rebecca and I would have let you." He added strumming his fingers on his knee. Eniola could easily see that he was not at all relaxed. She was worried about him. "At least you wouldn't be this scared of me. Look at you, you're shaking too and almost glued to the car door." He added rubbing his eyes before leaning his head on the glass window.

"It's hard not to be scared of you being like this. And I'm worried about you. You just lost it." She too replied sparing another glance at him to meet with his cold steel eyes.

"He had it coming." He said, spitefully and it was her turn to sigh.

"Why are you driving him to your place then?" She asked curiously. 

She was grateful he had listened to her and held back from stabbing Giovanni. Well stabbing him again. She had been too late to stop the first blade from piercing into his shoulder. She hated to admit that it was a bit of an entertaining scene to witness.

Tobias being anything but cool-headed was a rarity.

"He's serving as leverage. His brother might not do anything as long as we still have him."

"What if he dies from the wound?"

"Mateo said he'll be good for another three to four hours."

"But what if he dies?"

"Then he dies, Enny." He said in a sharp tone but took a breath to pause and apologize. "Sorry."

"Well he was rude for spitting on you but I just feel stabbing him was not really your brightest idea." She tried to reason and he laughed again. She could not find the humor in the situation.

"And what would you have suggested, Doctor Eniola?" He mused and she narrowed her eyes at him.

"I'm an architect, not a fucking shrink. And you would have, I dunno, tried to reason with him?" She said and he laughed again. Damn, you must be in a really good mood.

"I did. He didn't comply. I only did what the likes of him understand."

"And what is that?"

"Pain. I caused him pain and if you hadn't-" He paused and exhaled again. "If you hadn't asked me not to, I would have caused even more pain and he would have talked." She knew he was trying to restrain himself from raising his voice at her. She also knew he was incredibly upset. He was just really good at controlling his emotions.

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