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His gloved fingertips slowly drummed on the wooden desk as he awaited feedback from his partner.

He has been gone for a while.

A ringing telephone sounded from his far right for the hundredth time. It was beginning to get rather annoying so he answered it anyway.

"Buonasera, fratello." He greeted, receiving a hiss from the other line that made him roll his eyes. "Have you been calling me all day to just be uncourteous?"

"What the fuck do you think you're doing, Giannini?!" He could not deny that the anger in his older brother's voice made him a bit nervous.

He feigned obliviousness.

"Whatever do you mean, Fra' Gustavo?" He asked, a faint smile ghosting his lips. He enjoyed riling up his brother.

His father? Not so much. That would swiftly end his life.

"Do you want to die, Giannini?" Gustavo asked with false calmness, forcing another eye roll.

He had heard that question too many times that day.

"Do you and our siblings now share the same brain cell?" He questioned, hearing something click from his brother's line.

"Let the lawyer go. Now. Maybe Don Ferna would be able to forgive you again."

Giannini frowned.

"Do you think I need the Spaniard's forgiveness?" He scoffed.

He believed Tobias's powers were rather exaggerated. Maybe he singlehandedly took down the German Mafia, so what?

"I have something Eisenfaust did not have. Leverage." He said, his eyes catching the small monitor at the side of the screen. The activities made him smirk.

He would hand it to Alvaro Montez— He had lasted a lot longer than the others.

"His sister was in Eisenfaust's custody when he bombed their estate. Do not think he would not do the same to you." Gustavo warned. "He would have ended Kent's life if Eniola had not stepped in."

He stroked the stubble on his chin.

Should I have gotten her instead?

He kissed his teeth.

That was the original plan until Alvaro basically offered himself as sacrifice.

"These threats would have made sense if he had anyway to find me, brother." He did not mind Gustavo's neutrality.

He preferred a messenger in these situations.

"I destroyed the tracker implanted in the lawyer's arm and his companion had none." For some reason, Gustavo found whatever he said very funny.

"Are you sure she has none?" His older brother asked after a few chuckles.

He felt his eyes narrow.

"Are you saying he can still manage to find this place?" Gustavo hummed in reply.

"I am just saying you should not underestimate Tobias Fernandez. There's a reason he already lives under the radar." The line went dead after Gustavo finished speaking, making Gustavo lean into his seat in thought.

As he did so, there was a knock on the door, followed by heels clicking.

"Catalina." He greeted, his eyes meeting the dark lipstick that put emphasis on her frown. "What is it this time?"

"I want to leave for Sicily this instant." She said, resting a hand on her hip.

He sent her a disappointed smirk but she didn't see it as her eyes wandered to the screen that he had formerly been fixated with.

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