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From the corner of his eye, he watched her wiggle in her seat and then stop completely when he turned to look at her.

"Are you sure you're alright, tigress?" Alvaro finally asked, returning his eyes to the road ahead of him.

Clara hesitated to answer but nodded nonetheless, "I am okay. I just don't think we had to put it there."

He could not stop the smirk that appeared on his face.

"Put what where?" He did not miss the frown that she sent him before looking away. "Well, I am sorry if you are uncomfortable but that's the safest place you can keep a tracker."

"Then why did you put yours in your arm?" She bit back and he simply shrugged.

"I don't have a vagina to put it in now, do I?" Varo laughed when he felt her hit his arm in embarrassment. "If anything happens, having a chip in an obvious place would dissuade any idea that you have one as well."

With one hand, he grabbed her attacking wrist and brought it to his lips.

"Just because you insisted on going with me does not mean I want to lose sight of you or put you in harm's way, tigress." Just as the expression on her face softened, he added, "And I did not want to pass up an opportunity to touch you."

"Mr. Montez." She said sharply removing her hand from his grip and he easily waved it off. He was used to her.

"If it bothers you so much, we could adjust it right here." His hand slyly crept to her thigh and she immediately smacked it away.

She humored him.

"Do you think Giannini would just let it all go?" Clara asked after some time while he just rolled his eyes.

If it were up to him, he'd torch Giovanni, send Giannini the burnt offering then call it a day. But with Tobias involved, he had to play nice... or diplomatic, to say the least.

"Do you want to know what I really think?" Her body made him continue. "I think Giannini isn't as stupid as Gustavo is putting him up to be and I think he has some other plan in store for us right now. So no, Clara, I do not think Giannini would let it all go. People like him are like bed bugs. It's only a matter of time until they're popping up out of the woodwork again."

He took Clara's silence as fear and held her hand again.

He did not mean to scare her but certain things had to be said.

"Are you afraid, my queen?" He asked, kissing her cold fingers. "Do you want to know what else I think?"


He laughed at her answer.

I think we're walking into his trap at this very moment.

"How about we go to a restaurant or something after this? I'm starving." He said and she nodded.

"I'm thinking spaghetti, you?" He bit his lip in thought.

He was never picky when it came to food.

"I want seafood. Like lobster or some-" The distinct notification sound interrupted him as his eyes fell on his phone. "Help me check?"

He would usually stop to respond but he was already running behind.

"Luis says he's done with the vest." A chuckle escaped his lips as she read the text. "What vest?"

"You'll see."

Having a Plan A to F was something he had learned from the best.


Don Ferna (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now