"Why would it not be possible, Clara?" His deep smooth voice barely vibrated through the phone. Even with how calm he was, his assistant was a nervous mess on the other line.
She knew how quiet her boss was.
He could be boiling with rage and nobody would know until he had a person held by the collar at the edge of a bridge with fast running water underneath it.
"W-well, sir." Clara stammered. "She took it. She said she needed to seal a partnership deal with a fashion line in Paris."
Tobias bit his lip in frustration then immediately exhaled. She was the other person that made him worry so much and with Eniola at the other end of the table, it like as if he was taking care of two children.
"When did this happen?"
"Just this morning sir. She didn't even sign the documents. She threatened to cuff the pilot to the controls if he didn't comply." Tobias would have laughed if he wasn't so annoyed.
His sister was truly something. Reconnecting with her was the best decision he had made after his father had died and left the company to him and her.
"Very well then." He finally replied. If Rebecca wanted the jet, she could have it. She just needed to inform him before hand. Now it was a roadblock to his already perfect plan.
The court hearing was in 5 days and he planned to meet her before then. He wondered if she had taken up his offer and kept his house. If she was not there, he had no idea where he would find her. He learned from his sources that she had sold the house her father left to her.
He wondered how she would react. It had been 8 years since he last heard her call him Tobi. She was the only person allowed to shorten his first name. He missed her in a way, but was glad that at least she had gotten a taste of independence. Even when it wasn't going as smoothly as he thought it would.
Yeah, she is completely unhinged.
"I just need to get to New York. Do what you can." He instructed and hung up before Clara could chip in anything.
He walked into his bathroom and took a good look of himself in the mirror. He could now pick his hair between his thumb and index finger which meant it was now a bit too long. Something about low maintenance.
The roots were dark and he mentally noted down that he needed to have Clara contact his hairstylist. He always preferred having bleached white hair, Enny had always said it made his eyes look 'crystally'. How would she be like now? He wondered. Perhaps she wouldn't like his hair that much.
He wondered how much she had changed since he left. From her pictures on the news and the internet, it seemed she had put on some weight and finally gotten a bit taller. And apart from her rebellious acts, he realised he didn't know much about her.
Eight years was a long time after all.
"What the fuck do you mean by house arrest?!" She screamed at the cop that had just dropped her at her house which was now surrounded with cops.
It was crazy how things had changed in just two days. She had spent a night at the police department and now she was charged with a couple of crimes she didn't think were necessary.
"You're not allowed to leave your house until Monday, the day of your court hearing." The policeman answered after walking her up to her porch.
The Gardners were out tending to the small garden and lawn, Tobi had always taken pride in. She added a few exotic flowers to the mix and made sure they were taken care of. It was one of the few things she had of him.
She slammed the door right in the face of the officer and sighed in anger. It was all Tobias' fault, if he were here, all this would not happen. She would probably be studying for a master's degree or actually doing something productive with her life. It was also a lot easier blaming others for the consequences of her own actions than holding herself accountable.
Her phone started ringing from the little cellophane bag all her belongings were put in.
"Yes?" She answered feeling the rough surface of the phone screen prick her earlobe. Along the line, the phone's screen had cracked.
"He's coming." Anthony's voice sounded. Normally his voice would annoy her but at that moment she wanted him to continue talking.
"Who? Tobi?" She asked, her eyes widening in anticipation. She couldn't believe it. "I can't believe this." See?
"Yes, Tobi. He said something about having enough of your childishness and I couldn't agree more." She rolled her eyes but laughed and jumped on her big grey sofa. It reminded her of his eyes, but not as bright and as alive.
"When is he coming?" She asked again, holding on to her phone for dear life. Every spec of anger she felt towards him melted away.
She wanted to shout to the world that her Tobi was coming back.
"He says he'll be in New York by tomorrow afternoon." Anthony paused. "I want to take a break for a while, Eniola. Now that Tobias will be here, I'm sure he'll have zero problems taking over for a while. And it's almost the summer..." Anthony droned on and Eniola did not listen one bit.
She was overwhelmed with joy and anxiety. She wondered how much he had changed. She wondered if he still cut his hair low and still had his strange obsession with dog-chains and all-stars. If not for the pictures she had of him, she might have completely forgotten how he looked like. She was sure he still looked just as good as he did.
"Hello? Eniola?"
"Oh! Hey, sure, whatever put Stevie or what ever in charge for a while."
"It's Stephen and you fired him a while ago. New guy is Nathan."
Eniola blinked.
"Right... Put who ever is assisting in then." She said then hung up. She suddenly did not care she had a life changing court hearing on Monday.
Tobias was coming back to her.
The executive class in the plane was a joke.
The only thing that had made him relax a bit was a shot of vodka and Lucille by Kenny Rogers playing on his headphones. At least the headphones work.
Clara on the other hand was perfectly settled in her seat arranging hotel reservations for she and her boss incase the need arose.
It was a long 8 hour flight and she had already taken advantage of the free food and drinks. Except listening to Tobias explaining to his sister the importance of communication for almost an hour and him having her lift all the boxes out the car, she was having a good morning. She looked over to him and saw that he was intently gazing at the clouds, clearly overthinking the whole situation.
Tobias had spoken to Anthony the previous day and shared his plans of his arrival. He expected him to inform Eniola so she would not get a heart attack if she just saw him at her doorstep. She was that fragile hearted before and he wasn't sure of how she was currently but preferred to stay on the safer side.
Watching the plane going through and over clouds made him fall asleep then wake up later to Clara softly tapping him to tell him they were about to land.
As the announcer welcomed them to New York and the plane hit the runway, for a split second, Tobi's heart threatened to leap from his mouth.
He was a nervous wreck.
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Don Ferna (BWWM)
Romance..In the midst of all the chaos, she was his distraction... ~~~ How much could change in just 8 years of absence? Looks? Fate? Feelings, perhaps? HIGHEST RATING: #1 Shakespeare 17/12/22 #1 Risk 03/03/23