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"Why do I need to give Clara the milkshake?" He asked incredulously, staring wide-eyed at his boss who just had a bored look on his face.

If only Varo would agree to give his unlikely interest the beverage, it would be less painful for them both.

"Why won't you give her the milkshake?" Tobias asked the man who glared at the drink like it was some sort of explosive.

"Because it's fucking Clara! She could shove it up my ass." Tobias nearly slammed his head against the car window but shook his head and decided to leave the car instead.

"You could do what you wish then. Meet me out here by ten." He said dismissively shutting the door behind him.

He looked over to the few officers that still surrounded the mansion and shook his head. He knew that it would not be long until they knew what had happened to Paulo and it also would not take long until they made their next move.

He had to be ready for them.

He just wished he had gotten more information from the chubby officer. But again, he was too angry to ask more questions.

He nodded at an officer by the door who stared at him for an uncomfortably long period of time and made his way inside.

The living room was empty, save for Clara who was on a phone call with someone that was undoubtedly stressing her. She took a moment to smile and then wave at Tobias who nodded back in greeting before making it to Eniola's room with the milkshake in his hand.

He took a deep breath and knocked on her door.

"Hey?" She answered quietly, pulling the door wide open at the first knock. She looked a lot better than she did in the morning.

Her hair was now packed in a neat doughnut bun and she was in a darker better matching clothes. Her face didn't have the sunken look it had earlier too. It was now full and plump and with all her beautiful piercings put back in place.

"Hey." He answered, smiling softly as he realized she was looking at the beverage in his hand. "It's for you."

"You got me a... Milkshake?" She asked, uncertainty lacing her voice as she smiled back at him. "What for?" She finally took the drink from him.

"It's a peace offering." He said quietly and she giggled.

"Are you going to stand outside all through or come in?" She raised an eyebrow, moving away from the door so he could enter.

He made his way to one of the small couches she never made use of at the far end of the room and fell into it.

"Long day?" She asked sitting on the chair directly opposite to him and taking the lid off her drink.

He wanted to tell her about his day, about the man he had Varo perform a glossectomy on, and the Italian man after her, but he just sighed and nodded.

He would tell her when he had good control of the situation.

"Oh." She could tell he did not want to talk about it and he was glad she was able to respect that.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, watching her quietly sip the almost warm milkshake.

"Much better." She smiled for a moment then continued. "I'm sorry I went off on you... And Varo. I wasn't thinking really straight." She apologized quietly and he just frowned. "What? Say something." She watched in confusion as he suddenly stood up and walked to her.

"Enny-" He went on his knee, leaning to her level. "You don't have to be sorry for expressing how you feel. It's our fault for not trusting you." He exhaled deeply and looked back into her deep brown eyes. "Especially when you were telling the truth."

Don Ferna (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now