"Are you alright?" Tobias asked a quiet Eniola who had been picking at her food for the past ten minutes.The others had chosen a farther table to give them some privacy except Rebecca who had wandered off some time ago. Tobias had also made sure he sent Riccardo to watch after her.
"I am." She responded quietly and he frowned.
Davis being out of their sight worried her. It was obvious from the way she flinched every time the restaurant's door opened or when someone walked passed their table.
"You're worried. I understand." He knew his answer was extremely unhelpful. If offering Davis's head on a platter would ease her worries, he would do that in a heartbeat.
"Do you think Paulo lied about Berlusconi?" She asked.
"I do not think we have the entire story. If he can lie while looking death in the eye, he's bolder than I give him credit for. But still, I believe there's an element of truth. For instance, the judge's last name is Berlusconi. That can't be coincidence..." He seemed to be talking to himself at that point.
"I don't think I'll ever get used to you talking like that." She said and he raised a brow at her. What way?
"I do not understand."
"Death. You're talking about it so... casually. It's a bit weird." She explained then took a sip from her drink. Oh.
"I thought you would want me to be honest. I'm sorry." He said quietly. For him, death was as casual as the weather or puppies and kittens. He could not help it. The past few years had taken their toll on him and he had grown to love all four of the casual topics.
"If you're being honest, I have a question." She replied and he felt himself get nervous. What could she possibly want to ask about? And he had promised to always tell the truth to her.
"Of course. What would the question be?" He asked, taking a quick second to look at his watch. It was only 12:56.
"It's about Felicio," Enny asked and he immediately craned his neck to see if any of his men were eavesdropping behind him, not that they ever would. Thankfully Luca was distracted by a waiter and the main concern, Alvaro seemed to be in an argument with Clara.
"Alvaro told you about him?" He asked and she nodded. At least the topic took her mind off the missing Davis. "He must have also told you he was Luca's brother, sì?" She nodded again.
"I know who he is. I want to know what happened to him." She said just as he looked behind again to meet eyes with Luca who just smiled and continued conversing with the man.
"He passed away." He tried to keep it as vague as possible. He hoped she would understand he could not tell her everything.
"Varo also told me that. He said it like the man deserved to die." Because he did.
"What is your question, Princess?" He asked carefully. He knew where the woman was heading. He was not sure Varo would approve of him telling the entire story.
"What did he do?" He looked at her for a full second, internally debating if telling her was worth it. Was keeping her trust worth exposing a secret he had kept with him for so long? Unfortunately, it wasn't. It was Varo's story to tell.
"Eniola, how do you do it? My brother is so boring!" Thankfully, they were interrupted by Rebecca whom a flustered Riccardo chased after. He looked tired of her bullshit.
"I am not." He brushed off, meeting Enny's eyes that almost screamed 'We'll talk about this later.'
Tobias sighed.

Don Ferna (BWWM)
Romance..In the midst of all the chaos, she was his distraction... ~~~ How much could change in just 8 years of absence? Looks? Fate? Feelings, perhaps? HIGHEST RATING: #1 Shakespeare 17/12/22 #1 Risk 03/03/23