Chapter 18 - The London Sisters Part 2

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"Signs" by Bloc Party

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"Signs" by Bloc Party.

-4 Years Ago-

Kira and Jasmine ran through the spacious backyard near the river. Their laughter rang through the air and gave a sense of normalcy to the people who watch with smiles. It almost felt as if it's another world to Katerina. She hasn't seen her sister smile in what it seemed like forever and it's a warm feeling flooding through her. A sense of joy for her little sister.

The London sisters had been here for a couple weeks. This pack was being welcoming to them. Almost too welcoming and it kinda nerves Katerina but they haven't done anything to them. It's just weird, that there doing this for nothing in return. Most people the sister's encountered always want something.

Katerina would had been out of here after eating her waffles that one morning but Julian insisted and Kira pleaded to stay a little longer. Not seeing her sister smile this much since Kali, Katerina couldn't say no. Who was she to defy her sister of a little happiness and a friend? Besides these people saved their lives. They wouldn't hurt them, would they?

Katerina's lips tilted upward in a small smile watching the two girl's chase each other near the bank of the river.

"Careful, with that smile on your face people will begin to think you have feelings"

Her head snapped to the side when hearing the familiar voice. She didn't hear him approach her, he could have been standing there a while and she honestly wouldn't notice. Although, that's kind of like his thing  to sneak up on people, especially her. He liked to see her jump with her blue eyes widened in bafflement when he scared her.

Katerina's smile turned into a smirk, feeling a tad bit of joy that he's over here with her. She would never admit it out loud but she had grown fond of the Axson pack, mostly Julian and Jasmine, when her paranoia was put to rest. Not that it doesn't surface here and there. Katerina had been thinking how that will never change in her.

"I'm not quite dead inside yet" is her short reply to his comment.

Julian smirked right along with her. "What a relief, I must say. I thought you would despise us all forever."

Katerina smirk widened and she felt that usual rush inside her when talking to Julian. She doesn't know exactly what this feeling was but she's excited when he's near her. She enjoyed his company even though she acts like she doesn't. All these things she felt when he's around, yet not realizing that she had a crush. She probably doesn't even know the meaning.

"What makes you think things have changed?" She shot back at him, crossing her arms over her chest. Her eyes daring him to answer her question.

Julian took the bait like always, he loved to go back and forth with the she-wolf. "Oh, I know things have changed. I can see the way you're loosening up from that tense figure. The way you're not so uptight anymore. And let's not forget you're actually finding my presence enjoyable these days"

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