Chapter 23 - Fierce

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Song: 'Bad Moon Rising' by Mourning Ritual

The stench of burning flesh burns my nose even though I'm across the loft on the stairs with Aiden who bounces his knee nervously. I don't know what he has to be nervous about since it's his brother whose getting his skin mended together using a lighter. Although everyone seems to be in a state of panic with the death of Allison Argent looming in the air. All running around like chickens with their heads chopped off.

Right about now all I can think of is thanking Derek for offering to do this because there's no way in hell I would do that to my beta. The stench in enough for me to stay over here and I don't fancy having Ethan remind me of it every chance he would get.

Ethan grimaces and tries his dampest not to let out a cry from the scorching fire licking his skin. It makes me uncomfortable just watching it and I'm kind of glad he's not screaming in pain or else I would lose it.

After the turn of events in this town I'm about one plot twist away from throwing a tantrum. Call it childish if you will but it would make you mad if  everything is getting shot to hell.

A girl died last night and me and the twins hauled ass out of there before the police could question us. I lost a billion-freaking-dollars and I'm god damn pissed about that. Peter is off god knows where and texts me to babysit his daughter while he's gone and I'm not 100% positive but I think Malia took my billion. I'll get that back one way or another. And Kira...

I smack Aiden on the shoulder to gain his attention from starring intently at his hands "Where the hell is Kira?" I haven't seen her since yesterday and during this storm I need to know where she is.

He winces at my hit like I burned him but in reality I just surprised him since he was so zoned out thinking about whatever teenage boys think about. He turns his head to stare at me, blinking. "W-wait...what?" he asks lamely and I roll my eyes.

How have they survived this long? Oh right, it was my dumb ass decision to invite them into my pack when they turned omegas. Alphas who turn omegas don't last very long in packs from their defiant attitudes.

"Where's my sister?" I repeat with a sharper edge, needing the answer before I can go back to pitying the other beta I took in.

So used to my mean tones, Aiden just shrugs with an impassive look on his face. "She's probably with Scott. Loosen your bra strap and have a drink or something" he grumbles under his breath and I smack him harder this time with the intent to hurt him.

"I could say the same to you Mr. I'm-Shaking-This-Whole-Stair case." I reach over and put my hand on his knee to get it to stop bouncing like a lunatic. He slaps my hand away with an annoyed look stretching across his face.

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