Wild Fire

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Right before a big storm my father use to take me and my sister's to a lake near our town. To feel the weary shift in the air as pure power raced toward us in the form of dark thick clouds. The hush of the storm gathering and the smell of the flood on it's way. The water to the lake stayed still and the animals all ran for cover leaving us alone. We would stand at the rocks and gaze straight out into the water waiting for the beauty of nature to begin. During the silent affair of the dark clouds coming straight toward us like a wolf stalking it's prey, my father taught us valuable lessons that I still remember to this day. Lessons that I still count on today like I'm still a naïve little girl waiting for my happy ending.

I loved storms. They made me feel alive as it's power settled over my town. My body would shake with excitement and my heart would beat fast like a rabbit running away from a predator. No matter how big the storm turned out to be I always welcomed it where as my sister's cowered into my father's embrace when they see that first lightning strike. It was because of the certainty I had that even the darkest storms would eventually pass and the light would once again claim the sky. In the end, doesn't light always win? Then the light would rejoice and give people the sense of comfort which is only an illusion. Because despite my naïve thoughts I had when I was a child I knew that no matter how fast light travels the darkness always seems to beat it.

The silence before the storm is only the beginning. There still is the matter of going through the storm and dealing with the aftermath that may have damaged us more than anyone could have predicted. Quiet before the storm and what a storm it will be, my father use to mutter as the dark clouds hung over our heads.

That is a quote I would never forget.

The cold wind flushes over my face and picks up the multi-color leaves and sends them dancing around me. My hands shove deeper into my trench coat pockets to keep warm. The cold bitter air seeps through my coat and tingles over my skin causing goose bumps to appear.

My lips form into a straight line as I gaze down at the mound of dirt at my feet. A cross made out of thick branches that Kira made is wedged in the dirt to identify where we buried her. I bend my knees and lower myself closer to the ground, my eyes don't move from the cross. I take my hand out of my pocket and stretch it out so my palm rest on the surface of the dirt in front of me. The cold dirt is wet from the recent rain storm that rolled in and quickly left just as fast as it came.

"I haven't visited you lately" I mutter but my voice is lost in the blowing wind.

This seems to be the only place that I can clear my head. It's somewhat morbid to feel peace at the grave of the sister that you killed but I've tried everywhere else. The lake near town. Sitting on a rock that overlooks the small town of Beacon Hills. Even just standing in the middle of a field. Nothing makes me feel the way I do when I'm at her grave. It's the place where I escape from reality or when someone pisses me off. I can think freely here as if this is my last tie to my past which in reality it isn't. I have my baby sister still who's annoying as ever but I still love her to death. I have the Hale's who entertain me. Beside me at the moment is the old home me and my family lived in before we moved to Vermont. The same home I was raised in since my parents brought me home from the hospital when I was born. I have more than one tie to my past before everything went downhill but right here is the only place where I feel as if I have a real connection to.

A grave sight. How sad.

I twirl the familiar symbol in the dirt with my pointer finger. The spiral stares up at me and I feel a smirk tug on my lips. How one symbol in my world holds so much power amazes me. One simple spiral can mean life and death. The same symbol that torched my bloodline into a war of vengeance.

"Life is different without you" I mumble toward the grave. "It's almost as if the bad chapter of our life has been erased. Almost." I take in a deep breath and let it out making a puff of steam follow. "I still have night terrors of you. It seems even in death you manage to win, dear sister. It's one of you're traits that I have always admired about you."

I didn't realize how cold it truly is until snow starts to fall from the grey sky. The white flakes fall around me and the ones that make contact with me melt almost instantly like I'm made of fire.

My smirk turns into a smile at the thought "The London fire me, you, and Kira possessed was beautiful. But I guess the fire that burned so bright within you was not meant to last." My fingers lightly touch the cross again and I imagine my older sister's face before standing up. I shove my hand back into my pocket and even though my hand was out for only a couple minutes it's numb from the cold.

I give her grave one last look and mutter quietly under my breath "I'll see you soon, Kali" I turn away from my sister's grave and my old home and start to walk into the surrounding woods as the white snow starts to stick to the ground.

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