Chapter 9 - Rave

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How out of it am I these days?

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How out of it am I these days?

I like to think I'm perspective and maybe on a normal week I am. Normal as in more than a couple  hours of sleep not the many teenage werewolves running a muck in town. I notice every little detail to every little thing and in better terms I'm always on my game.

Deaton told me otherwise.

I'm apparently as good as a human right about now and I wouldn't have believed him until I walked into this illuminated rave going on while I was out. The only thing that keeps me in place is 1, the shock is still fresh 2, the bafflement that they would have the guts to do this and 3, the admiration of how much effort they put into this rave. Illuminated. Creative, I'll give them that. However it's all replaced by anger as I watch dozens of teens dance and drink in my home.

My home. Something none of us have had in awhile and the 3 decide to ruin it. It'll take me weeks to get rid of the cheap beer smell. They already had the nerve to have this rave so the thing I don't understand is why didn't they raid my alcohol as well. They're already in a shit load of trouble, what's going to change if they steal my alcohol too?

This moment tells me exactly how out of it I've been. So out of it that 3 teenagers thought they could pass a rave by me without my noticing. I don't know who to feel sorry for more, me for how unobservant I've been or the 3 teens I'm about to strangle with my bare hands.

I mentally scoff, they did say they would either do the stupid pranks on mischief day or a Halloween party. They did no pranks. I thought they were smart enough to refrain from that crap but as the building shakes from the Techno music I'm proven wrong. I guess a little bit of this is on me but I'd never admit such thing out loud.

The 3 guilty teens look at me in a mixture of shock and fear but I could see the happiness in there eyes neither less telling me that they don't feel any remorse. I don't see why they would anyway I mean besides me walking in on this it's a complete success. Everyone looks like there having a great time. It's just it would have been a smart thing to cover it up because it makes my anger nearly tip over into the danger zone.

Fuming, I descend the stairs and into the crowd of teens. Some of them must of sensed my anger and moved out of my way before I could push passed them. Angry women in the supernatural world and human world are meant to be avoided. I could see through the crowd of people the 3 teens scatter in oppisote directions.

While crossing the grind feast in the center I rush to a stop when someone steps in my way. I open my mouth to string out a bunch of curse words when I look up and freeze in place.

Those sons of bitches, I growl in my head, they are so dead when I get my hands on them. 

"Hey Starbucks girl" the familiar accented voice greets me as he towers over my dwarfed height compared to his.

"Kol?" I mutter in shock but my voice isn't heard over the loud music. My eyes stray down to his muscular chest that is on display with a glow in the dark paint job that stretches over his chest and down his stomach. It continues on his back and it resembles a wolf in my eyes. The neon paint glows in the special lighting.

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