Chapter 13 - Lost and Found

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I swear this town will never let me get a night of sleep again

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I swear this town will never let me get a night of sleep again. At least this time I'm not the only one.

The coldest night of the year and no one is getting an ounce of sleep because of one pale skinned teen is currently missing. How a bunch of supernatural creatures with a heightened sense of hearing didn't notice one of their best friends gone isn't what I'm questioning. Nor the fact that a bunch of supernaturals with a heightened sense of smell can't even find 1 human. I could ponder those but it would be a waste of time. The real question is why.

Why would Stiles get up in the middle of the night to do something alone on the coldest night of the year? Why is currently half the town looking for him but no one can find him? Why, out of all 3 of them, is it Stiles who is worse? Allison and Scott did the same thing and sacrificed themselves for their parents but I've only seen it effect Stiles. Why Stiles?

He's not special. He's a human. Nothing more, nothing less.

So if this Nogitsune has possessed Stiles wouldn't we all know? I mentally scoff at the stupid question I asked myself. Of course not. A dark fox spirit absorbs memories of their host for better survival.. or so that's what Kira told me. Foxes are sneaky. Wouldn't the Nogitsune possess someone, I don't know, stronger. More powerful. We're in a town filled with shapeshifters and it chooses a skinny pale defenseless human.

If he is possessed -which I'm not saying he is (even though he's on top of the list)- why would the Nogitsune travel inside him? Maybe the real question is; Why not? Like I said, he's skinny and defenseless. The perfect form of an innocent teenage boy.

"He's not in the woods" I say when Scott answers his phone.

"Your sure?" I can clearly hear the worry in his voice toward his friend who might freeze to death tonight. But if he freezes then he's no longer useful to the Nogitsune who may or may not be inhabiting his body.

"You doubt my skills, boy?" offense laced into my tone. "Yes, I'm sure" I continue to hang up on him.

I push a branch out of my way while muttering to myself. I'm shivering in my black trench coat as the freezing air seeps in. Well my upper body is still cold, but at least my trench coat is a barrier from the cold unlike my jeans that don't do anything to brace my legs for the freezing cold. Doesn't help that the wind is going too and each time it cuts through me like a knife.

This is crazy.

How did I even get stuck searching the woods? I'd doubt he's hid out here. Now don't get me wrong I love the woods.. just not when it's below zero in the middle of the night searching for a kid who may freeze to death.

Opps, there goes my optimism. It turns on and off like a switch, I swear.

But this man hunt is turning out to be harder than any of us could have imagined. It's a small town with minimum amount of space to hide in. I even went to check the distillery that's outside of town and that's what I'm coming back from. Before the distillery I checked the Nemeton but I only found a bunch of pesky fireflies.

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