Chapter 1 - Pack

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The couple of weeks I've stayed in Beacon Hills have been happy ones

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The couple of weeks I've stayed in Beacon Hills have been happy ones. It's like a clean slate. I wonder sometimes that if my family hadn't moved from this town, would I have what I have now? It's an interesting mind teaser but I don't dwell on that question for long. It took me 6 years but I finally found happiness. A place where I belong. I feel like one of the lucky ones because most people don't find the pure happiness I feel. Sometimes you have to go through the deepest darkness to find it but once you let the darkness in, It doesn't come out. A lesson I'm learning the hard way.

Despite my happy moments I still feel that dark sensation tug at my heart. The dark life I lived for 6 years is going to haunt me like ghosts but all I can do is hang on. It won't go away anytime soon. It might take twice as long to shake the feeling but I can't complain much these days.

"Derek, I swear to the god's above our heads, If you, Cora and Peter don't answer my calls soon then the next time I see you I'm going to-" I pause to think of a good threat but those two don't take me seriously anyway. "-Don't you concern yourself of what I'll do just call me back. I'm starting to get worried" I pull my phone away from my ear and press my finger to the end call button harshly, almost breaking the screen in the process. I slam the loft door behind me and shake the snowflakes off me. My boots squeak as I walk down the stairs and closer to the heart of Derek's loft.

They would call, they promised. I would hear there voices everyday, they said. It's been a freaking week since I last heard from Derek or Cora. And Peter is a big boy he can handle himself. I can't help but worry over them since they left.

This town is either good or bad to people. It happens to be good for me and Kira but the memories of her family we're too much for Cora. Derek took her away from this town that can either make you or break you and traveled south of here. Cora told me that after the Hale fire she spent most of her time in South America so that's probably where Derek is taking her. Both of them said they would call me and Kira everyday yet here I am, fuming at the sound of the voice mail I've grown use to hearing.

"What's wrong with her?"

"She must have fallen off her rocker earlier than we predicted"

I stop in the middle of the room and twirl on the balls of my feet toward the couch with a glare etched on my feature's. The two teens who look exactly like each other look at me but there heads are tilted toward each other to speak. Both of them are a spitting image of each other and at times like this I get confused on who's who. Both of them are leaned against the back of the couch with there feet up against the wooden coffee table looking relaxed. With them looking the same and in the same position I would have thought I was seeing double except for there different clothing.

"You boys really know how to flatter a women, don't you?" I send them a sarcastic grin.

Ethan and Aiden both roll there eyes in usion. "They're probably fine, Katerina" Ethan, the more sensitive twin, says to calm me down. They've seen me on edge all week and each time they see me I swear Aiden is amused at my 'clinginess', his words not mine. "They are in South America. Remember the time difference"

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