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project, @bridoll.

This is a fictional story. I do not own majority of the characters, and I only own the plotline.


"I, Sanchez, take you, Mira, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer and poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, from this day, 'til death do us apart."

What a lovely couple. I stared at them from from afar, intently as I smile genuinely. The look in their eyes could not lie, they love each other so much.

The music inside the church was beautiful. The bride, she looked fantastic. I adored them. They are perfect for one another.

"Ms. Luna? A call.. for you."

I glanced at my shoulder. I smiled at my assistant and gently took my phone from her hands. I mouthed a 'thank you' before picking it up. After minutes of talking to my boss, I went back inside and saw it was time for the kiss! I clapped my hands as I was ordered to take a picture from one of the seats.

"You may now kiss the bride." The pastor announced.

I cheered silently, everyone applaud! As I took the best shot of them both, tears dwelled in their lovely eyes that screams how much affection they have for each other. Light touches, caring and gentle. What a lovely man. I smiled and carried on with my camera, moving aside as they happily walk away to the aisle.

My eyes glistened as I took shots, of them smiling, looking at each other, and hugging. I raised my head when somebody tapped on my shoulder. I could see my friend smiling widely.

"There you are. I've been looking for you everywhere."

"Sorry, i'm just so touched by them! Look at these photos I took." I giggled and showed him the shots.

"Very beautiful, indeed." He whispered. "But it's time to follow them to the reception. Shall we, Ms. Luna?"

I gave him a small smile before clinging on his arm, holding on my long skirt so that I wouldn't slip. The next thing I knew, was that i'm already taking pictures of the newlyweds besides the flowers. The reception is a beach, and I found it wonderful to take sunkissed pictures!

"Okay, now. Turn to the left, Mrs. Hiyoka." I chuckled as she blush and follow my instructions. "Perfect."

I pursed my lips after staring at their wonderful photo, they were holding, in each other's arms with their glowing aura, both having radiant smile filled with heavy joy. I found it adorable.

"They look, rather, astonishing in your eyes. Right?"

I scoffed, "Of course they are, Takuya. They are so cute!"

He smiled and ruffled my hair. "You're ever so soft, Luna. I'll be off to greet them, are you gonna stay here?"

I nodded. He left me standing near the ocean, I looked over the bright sky and onto the waves hitting each other. I slowly took steps forward and pouted, looking at each of the pictures. Wondering which one i'll give to the agency. I'm a photographer, incase you still haven't noticed. Not a full time though, I only work in small weddings like these. Or, if I get hired part time.

BRIDOLL | Ran Haitani (Major Editing) Where stories live. Discover now