415 17 15

TW ! [mentions of rape]

"You're breaking up with him? What why?"

My own mother gave me a look of suprised for the first time while sipping on her tea. I crashed her meeting and went straight to her office after now i'm trying to cancel this fucking engagement. I let out a sigh and crossed my legs in this seat infront of her.

"Luna, what is wrong?" Her brows furrowed.

"I don't know. It didn't work out. I feel bored with Ran, mommy."

"You guys must've just had a fight. I will not let this, Luna."

"I want to break it."

Mom didn't answer me and just stood up, leaving me in that room. I guess she doesn't believe me. I sighed and rolled my eyes. When I got back to my apartment, I quickly let the day pass and for the next morning I stayed there alone. I've been doing a bit of only shopping to waste my time, not really since I got really hooked that I ended up buying half of one shop brand. Their clothes look so good! I smiled to myself as I lay in the couch, it's afternoon. But suddenly the door bell rang. I stood and walked up to the door to get it. Turns out it was the mail man! I smiled at him received my letters.

"Thank you..."

I went back to my couch after getting a new box of ice cream. Slumping down, I checked each one of it, not until I got to the last one. I innocently put everything down and opened it. It looks really expensive! I got excited. I happily squealed after finding out one of my high school friends invited me to her wedding! Ah, and as one of her bridesmaid!

"This is happening! I better contact a designer to make my dress!" I giggled to myself.

But I remembered that our designer resigned last year. I fell on my seat and frowned. But I remember Niki telling me that she knows a famous tailor near here, in my area, Tokyo. I typed on my phone to message her. I think they are home from the camp so she can reply any moment now. Camp... I wonder if Ran is home too. And if he... ah, now I remember. The house!

I hurriedly got all my things, half of them, after taking the quickest shower of all time, preparing myself!

I forgot about it, I can't forget about the cats! Rindou must've left them there last week, I don't know! I also tripped on my own as I go out from the elavator, on the process of wearing my coat. I greeted the guard whom I knew for years now, as I enter my car. It was a long ride but I did my best to go straight to the house. When I arrived, I saw Ms. Suzuki cleaning up the porch.

"Ms. Luna!" She exclaimed in hurray. I smiled and quickly greeted her. "Oh my, it's been a while since I saw you..."

"Thank you for taking care of the house when I was away." I told her. "Is Ran here?"

She shook her head. "No, Ms. Luna. Sir Ran hasn't came here eversince the other day."

"Other day?"

"Yes, ma'am. Sir has been staying here when you were gone for a week!" Ms. Suzuki smiled. "But I don't know where he went again, though..."

So he stayed here when I was gone. "Alright. I'll get going inside now, drive home safely."

I entered the house and immediately saw the cats. I smiled and kneeled infront of them. Aries and Star loves me so much! Stella is improving, too. I love them all! I am fond of them already.

BRIDOLL | Ran Haitani (Major Editing) Where stories live. Discover now