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Haru gave me his jacket. The song ended quickly and Ran excused himself for a smoke. I held the plastic cup on my hand and slowly drank the bitter wine they brought. I plastered a smile on my face whenever someone talks about something. The topic being disucssed is currently about romantic relationships.

"My dream relationship would be having a guy so clingy to me!"

"I'm a masochist so I want to be hurt by my lover." A girl spoke, I almost choked. "Not abusively."

I was about to get concerned. My sipping stopped when they diverted their attention to me. I raised my head, tilting. "What's your dream relationship, Luna?"

"Ah," I stopped for a moment and started thinking about it. "A healthy one."

"Haru can give that!" Luise laughed at me. I feel like the alcohol is starting to affect them despite just starting. Good thing I have high alcohol tolerance.

"I see." I nodded quietly.

"Ah, but you're already engaged right, Ms. Luna?" A boy asked me enthusiastically.

I innocently laid my eyes on him. "I am... uh, soon to be married." I chuckled.

"That's great to hear!" They applauded, so I gave them a polite expression.

I pursed my lips and brushed my knuckles against the ring i'm wearing. It's silver and has an emerald dime. Hah, soon to be married? I don't even know if my groom can reciprocate my feelings! Either way, I think i'd be selfish if I didn't continue to what we had originally planned. I pouted, I guess my feelings will be bottled. It's for the better! It's not like I love him already. Ran came walking back towards us after a couple of minutes. He loosened his necktie and they immediately offered him a glass of beer, he smiled at the crowd and took it. Ran sat down on the wood next to Hetti, infront of me. His eyes didn't met mine but he stayed on the cloth draped over me.

"None of us are minors, right?" Piero asked. We all nodded. "Great. The last game for the winners earlier is 7 minutes in heaven, I wouldn't like to have any children playing that." He laughed.

"7 minutes in heaven?! Hetti and Ran?!" A girl hysterically shouted. "That's so unfair Piero!"

"Right! What about us?!" Another agreed. I stifled a giggle and let Haru pour liqour on my cup.

"I want that with Ran too!" Another individual said with full determination. She faced Hetti and frowned at her. "You're so lucky!"

"I'm the girlfriend, after all." Hetti chuckled and dragged a finger across Ran's chest. He was propping his palm on his seat as he open his legs wide while playing with the ice on his glass.

But I froze on my own when I realised that his eyes was just sharply on me! Have I been doing anything bad without noticing? I felt my cheeks go warmer, burning as I hid it with the plastic cup and avert my eyes elsewhere.

"Are you alright, Luna? You're burning." I felt the back of Haru's palm touching my cheek softly.

I flinched very hard when I heard glass shattering since I was too tensed. I wasn't looking yet I heard his low and deep voice apologising. I shivered after realising that his voice is just besides me! I quickly turned around and there was Ran pouring more liquor on a new plastic cup close to me. When he recognised my stare, he eyed his side while drinking his drink very slow, not taking his very eyes of me! I was still very startled so I am bit reluctant to move aside. I apologised out of the blue and almost squeezed myself towards Haru.

BRIDOLL | Ran Haitani (Major Editing) Where stories live. Discover now