This isnt canon- yet

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This isn't canon I don't think- I've just been listing to a super sad song called Honeywell by Clem turner and This is where my mind takes me when I think of it-  Nadwe took a katana to Socks neck- I have dialogue for if this does become canon-

"He was gonna hurt me!"
"Socks are you alright?"
"No Nadwes right- Sorry about that Nadwe- "it's okay"
"Socks your hurt really bad let me help you."
"There is- nothing- to help-"
"Socks are you ok?"
"I've cheated death to much"
"No socks! Don't think like that!"
"To bad It's-"
Hehe more sad dialogue Dude I love this drawing way to much yes that's the slice in socks neck sh wattpad it's not that deep-

" "There is- nothing- to help-""Socks are you ok?" "I've cheated death to much" "No socks! Don't think like that!""To bad It's-""SOCKS?!" Hehe more sad dialogue Dude I love this drawing way to much yes that's the slice in socks neck sh wattpad it'...

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