Don't mind me testing my writing skills

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If you want to read this go ahead- I will admit its a bit long and wordy I'm just practicing writing in first person with a female character. I'm also working on my horror writing. If you guys want to see more test writing I will do it. Only if you want to see it.

The doors to the building were cracked and shattered. Only pieces of window were left but I could tell they were protecting nothing. I tightened my grip on the crowbar in my left hand. I tucked it into my other elbow and straightened my russet hair into a loose fitting ponytail. I checked my phone's notifications. One message from Lucas.

'Olivia where are you?'

I had no time to respond. I needed to get in, find what I was looking for and get out. A 10 minute mission at most right? I knew these thoughts were just me trying to comfort myself although I knew the danger. A young senior girl going into an abandoned lab.
"Great mix right?" I whispered sarcastically. I dropped the crowbar from the crook of my elbow into my hand and clutched it like a lumberjack holding an axe. The imaginary blade, if dropped, would not cut through the flesh on my leg. I walked over to the door and quietly jammed the crowbar into the line between both of the doors. With all the force I had I pulled the door open. Wincing as the door opposite to me slammed against the wall with a loud crack.
"Would you shut up?" I whisper-shouted at the door. Not even hesitating on the thought that I just had talked to a door like it was a human. At Least the door was open. I still kept the crowbar with me. Not only was it a great way to open locked doors it could also be a decent weapon. As I entered the dark halls of the lab I couldn't stop the gasp of horror escaping from my mouth. Desks lay scattered all over the floor like Legos of a child who threw the box and the small plastic pain devices scattered all over the floor. The walls had bloody handprints on the wall smearing down. It was straight out of a horror movie. Was it true, did mom use to work here? I started to walk down the hallway ignoring the fight or flight feeling in my gut. I reached my hand into my pocket and pulled out my phone. Turning on the flashlight. My phone made an angry noise at me and I checked the battery percentage. I groaned as I saw it was only at 5%.

I continued to wander down the hall feeling the hair on my neck rise. I passed by a door with a nameplate and held up my flashlight to see the name.

'Dr o'clara's office'

"Found it!" I shouted in triumph, covering my mouth as I heard a crash down the hall. I quickly fumbled for the door handle and ripped open the door ducking inside. I leaned up against something fluffy as I heard breathing. Something slithered outside of the hallway. It seemed to stop right in front of the doorway as I held the flashlight up to my chest. I closed my eyes, I could feel panic tears coming on.

"Oh god help me." I whispered quieter than a pin hitting the floor. I heard the slithering noise continue as the creature seemed to have lost interest. I sighed with relief and looked at my phone realizing it had died.

"Great, just great." I muttered still, keeping quiet as the thing roaming the halls might still be stalking around. The breathing was still close though. I turned around and saw what I had bumped into. It was a large creature that kind of looked like a mix between a rat and a crow but it barely fit in the room- it was about the size of a train cart. Its berry red eyes were staring straight at me and I could feel a scream rising in my throat. Holding it back I quietly whispered to it, "Are you going to hurt me?" The creature held out a paw and I noticed there was a large cut in it. It let out a noise that sounded like a dog whimpering.

"Does this hurt?" I asked, placing my hand on the cut. I didn't know what could substitute for this creature's paw that was about the same size as me. I noticed a piece of wallpaper peeling off the wall and ripped it off. Wrapping it around the creature's paw I pulled out a glue stick in my pocket and glued the fabrics together.

"And Lucas said I was weird for carrying a glue stick with me everywhere" I snorted as I finished. "Okay- you wouldn't happen to know where the file for experiment 190 is?" I asked. The crow's face tilted its head at me. I sighed and shook my head. "Right, you probably don't understand English." I muttered. I felt the floor disappear from beneath my feet as I was lifted into the air. "What are you doing?" I asked, kicking in the creature's rat paw. It then started walking with me still in its grasp. I kept trying to break free by kicking and squirming in its grip. Eventually it stopped in a room with a wall of filing cabinets. It set me down gently and I turned to see a file called 'Experiment 190' . I gasped and smiled. I opened the cabinet and pulled out the file and stared at it.

"Thanks," I told the creature I started walking for the door and I could hear its large footsteps thumping behind me. 


Yeah again just a test.

Test: First person POV, Female, Descriptive of horror

Words: 972 (Longer then most of my chapters lmao)

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