Future Au?

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Um I'm just gonna dump this Au me and my friend came up with (don't mind the grammar this is a rough draft)

An experiment laff made has gone  wrong and the machine he was using exploded. Turns out he escaped and left assuming everyone was dead little did he know he gave everyone powers

Laff: Has Gas powers he can send out any gas but only for a limited time. It also makes him stronger temporarily (Fatigue occurs afterwards) his gas mask is part of his face (Melted on by acid) Part of his filter on his mask is broken (Thats why the fatigue happened because its not entirely filtered) Laff realizes that Socks was affected by the explosion more, he snaps at his friends when they were confronting Laff notifying Laff that Socks was effected . Despite the fact that Laff has made it clear that hes evil Socks still has some trust for him and his old friend

Socks: Ice powers and being able to take away air from areas. Since he does not need to breathe . When he uses his breathing ability to much he starts to act like a zombie. Since he already feels  dead (Stumbling around, aggressive behavior) Socks ran into a beaker when he was running and a beaker spilt all over him making him partially evil (Murderous thoughts, etc. still trusts Laff despite the fact that Laff is evil)

Blaza: Laser vision, eyes dry out when he uses them (Glasses prevent them from hurting anyone. Can control people when you look into his eyes

Meme: Acts kinda like a tank, strong, and his fur acts like a shield. Becomes like steel

MuffinJuice: Levation, gravity canceling abilites

Nadwe: Vampire, metal malinuation. (Possible to counter Meme)

Joocie: Liquid manipulation, needs to stay hydrated so his glass doesnt empty

Woolfster: Animal powers; Shapeshifting, animal control

Dino: Grow to the size of a dinosaur (Specifically a t-rex but can be any dinosaur)

Tbh: Kinda like a lie detector but can also force a person to be honest

Oof: shrink and grow and float.

Wow idk if you all want this as a story but I kinda want to write it.

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