Oc backstory hm???

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Sooo I um- I want to give you thisss
It's for mY oCs backstory It's a diary entry I guess, umm idk what else to say.

June 12, 1048

I'm going to miss everything about here, the warm desert sand, the bright yellow sun. It certainly won't be the same in a tundra. I've been told as a general to keep a journal for reasons. Personally I couldn't care for the reason they would give me but I would like some insight into why they think this would help. I might as well introduce myself to you, the person reading this journal however old you are. Currently I am 25, My name is Oblivion. Liv for short, or as my soldiers in my army call me, General 54. Call me whatever you like dear reader as I am not polite to strangers who do not find comfort in saying my own name. Despite contrary belief I am human too, just because of my big name and threatening glare I need people to talk to as well like all people. Not people to talk down to. I might as well explain what I mean by i'm going to miss the desert. The leader of our group here in the desert has been called upon by a Tundra king,  King lornale I believe, as he is going to war with one of the neighboring kingdoms. Despite what he called us in the letter, 'A bunch of low life assassins that work well together.'  Our guild leader accepted the letter. I wonder if I could get my hands on it. King lornale is young, he is also new to being a king. As soon as I found out I promised my friend at least 5 years of him being king he would get into a fight with another kingdom one way or another. Turns out he only needed two. I know his son, I haven't talked to him much but we have a mutual respect as a prince leading the tundra army. I also lead the biggest army here, we are both important generals, this makes both of us quite important. His name is Mystic. He calls me by my General name despite the many times I've told him to call me Liv. It will be nice to talk to him again  although I wish it was under better circumstances. We will be leaving soon and I need to finish packing my things,

Soon to write again,
Oblivion, (54)

Eee I can't writeee lmao, okay Um km gonna go work on crash course and yell at Jarrott to not cal me a furry. Okay bye.

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