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I got up early as promised and headed to the showers. I put on dark baggy jeans, a grey shirt and a  beige coloured button up shirt over the top.

I walked back to my room and some very de coloured boots that used to be black but have been lightened by the sun, funnily enough considering that even though it became day there was never a sun in the sky.

I walked down to the Healers Hut and grabbed two clear glass containers one for the flowers and the other just in case.

As I approached the East door I could see Jasmine there waiting.

"I am actually surprised" she said nodding as I stood next to her.

"About?" I said not catching on.

"Look at you, your up, your awake, I thought I would have to drag you by the ankles to get you here" Jasmine said with a warm smile.

"Oh" I said with fake shock "You really think so little of me".

We laughed for a bit before Jasmine handed me a vest she had been holding in her hand.

"It is to put the flowers in and your food and water for the day" she said motioning to the pack at the back of the vest which held a sandwich Jules had made this morning along with an apple and a small bottle of water.

"Thanks" I said sliding both cylinder containers into small slots at the front of the vest next to another slot which held a small dagger. I also had a bigger dagger strapped to my thigh.

As the doors opened we ran in making the same turns I had the day I learnt my 'way around' as Harriet liked to call it. I think she likes to pretend that it isn't so scary by calling it knowing your way around.

The flowers grew in section 4 so that's where we went. I was a pretty open area and it was easy to spot the orange and blue flowers from a distance. I picked 5 little flowers and stuffed them in the cylinder.

"We should mark these on the map so if anyone else does have to come get them they know where to go" Jasmine knelt down with me.

We ate our sandwiches and I drank half my water.

"Ok let's get going" I said hoping up and offering a hand to help Jasmine up that she accepted.

"Agreed" Jaz said turning left and right for one last sweep of the area. "We have to go back through section 3 because section 5 isn't open today so it might take a little longer" she said doing some quick stretches.

We sped up the light leaving the sky rapidly made me and Jasmine nervous. A nervous runner can't be a good sign.

"You know how to get back through section 3 right?" I said.
"Yes of course I do Y/n but I'm telling you this isn't section 3!" Jasmine said irritated.

I swallowed, my throat to try dry to respond. The twilight lighting making it dark but just light enough to see shadows.

The wall next to us started to change rumbling the ground underneath us.

"Y/n we have to run" Jasmine said doing another sweep of the area.
"Yea no shit but where to?" I said back already running after Jasmine.

Jasmine and I ran side by side. We heard the grievers starting to wake up. I heard the distant sound off metal on metal and a heavy squealing. I stopped to listen harder. It wasn't the walls and the box was to far away to hear it. It had to be the doors.

"Y/n!"  "Y/n!"  "Y/n can you hear me!" Jasmine shouted pulling me to face her. "Y/n what the hell are you doing run!" Jasmine shouted once more quickly pointing to a huge griever not more than 8 meters away from us.

I met Jasmines eyes. Worry, shock, horror and most of all scared. I could bet I looked the same.

We ran and ran.

"Jaz the doors they're close!" I shouted running towards the deep squealing.

Jasmine followed close on my tail. The doors where in sight now. We can make it. We will make it.

The whir click click of the griever still followed us and it was gaining.

It fell silent. My mind blocking anything and everything out just to stay sane and concentrated. I threw myself through the doors. I turned Jasmine almost there but the griever was closer. I grabbed the small dagger from my vest and hurled it towards the griever. It sunk into the middle of the creatures neck and without resistance it fell to the ground lifeless.

Jasmine kept running getting closer and closer. Then I couldn't see her just grey concrete in front of my face.


We called out to each other at the same time. For the last time.

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