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Newt's POV
Minho had many problems to say the least but I would say his biggest struggle is his emotions. His outbursts where quite common. Minho has very strong emotions but often has problems displaying them.

That's what happened today with Y/n. He likes her a lot. I think I know it more than he does. I know he didn't mean to yell at her and I know he regrets it.

When he came back from the map room yelling I managed to calm him down and take him to his room. Thats where we are now. He is sitting up in bed with his head on the wall, looking up at the roof. I'm sitting in the chair I pulled beside his bed.

He hasn't said much.

"Minho-" I start but he cut me off.

"I know Newt ok. I'm a shank that needs to control his emotions better" Minho said folding his arms over his chest.

It went quiet again.

"I think you should apologise" I said slouching further into the uncomfortable wooden chair.

"Really? Never thought of doing that" Minho said sarcastically.

I didn't respond. It's normal for Minho to be sarcastic, he always is but I know he needs the silence to think.

"Newt" Minho sighed. "I feel horrible, I really care about her and I said some really mean things, I'm not sure an apology is going to be enough".

Minho looked over to me. His eyes where covered in a worried glaze of tears ready to spill out of his eyes at any moment. I had never seen Minho so vulnerable. I made a mental note never to mention this to anyone else.

"She will forgive you" I said. "You two have something special, she cares about you and I know you care about her, don't let one argument destroy your bond" I said. I know it sounds cliche but it's true.

"That sounded so cringey but thanks" Minho chuckled out.

"Now there's two things you can do right now" I said getting up. "You can have a nap to cool your emotions down and/or plan out what your going to say to Y/n, I'm going to go get you some water".

"Your to good to me" Minho said as he turned over onto his side to go to sleep.

"You're a big sook you know" I shook my head towards him while opening the door.

"And you will take that secret to the grave or I will put you there myself" he looked up at me pointedly and with warning.

I laughed a little before saying "You could never kill me you softie".

"Shhh, sleeping" Minho said with a little smile.

I closed the door and walked through the homestead to the kitchen. Fry was starting to serve up dinner. I saw Y/n sitting with Jeff and Winston. Once I got my food I saw Clint walking over to their table.

"Hey Clint" I called out as I sped up to get to him.

"Hey Newt, what's going on?" He asked.

"Mind if I sit with you guys and Y/n?" I asked him.

"Well I don't mind but you might have to ask Y/n" Clint said and started walking away again.

I caught up to Clint and we got to the table together.

"Hey Y/n, can I sit?" I asked already placing my plate beside her's.

"Sure Newt, you don't have to ask you know" she said as she turned to face me.

"I'm sorry" I said. I know it's not my fault but Minho's my best friend I have to do him some justice.

"You didn't do anything Newt, it was Minho he's the one that needs to apologise" Y/n said before stabbing some potato onto her fork.

Y/n's POV
I didn't talk to Newt much else through dinner. When the other boys left and it was just Newt and I at the table I knew he was going to talk about Minho again.
And he did.

"Y/n, I know Minho regrets it, he just has trouble with his emotions sometimes... don't tell him I told you that" Newt said.

"I don't care Newt, if he can't find it in him to apologise to me himself it's his loss" I said back.

"You can't seriously shut him out after one mistake!" Newt said.

"No Newt I can't, it's been a couple hours and I already miss him but if Minho thinks I will just forgive him because you tried to smooth things over he's wrong!" I said aggressively to Newt as I got up and took my plate to the sink.

Newt came over and filled a glass with water.
"Your right my apology means nothing because I didn't do anything so why don't you go and ask Minho for his own apology" Newt said holding out the glass to me.

"You want me take him water?" I asked. "Why should I do that for him?".

"You want to know if he's really sorry don't you and I guess if your not happy with his apology then you can always throw this on him" Newt said tilting the glass of water towards me.

"Fine!" I said grumpily but I took the water with a little smile.

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