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Minho's POV
We had collected Alby to bring him back. I have never had a more eventful night in my life. The boys rushed forward to great us. We plopped Alby on the dirty ground and I look through the group but I couldn't see her.

Newt came to my side "Y/n?" He asked.

"She's not back already?" I realised I had lost her and collapsed to the ground beside Alby.

The boys cheering became a background noise as they congratulated us on surviving. This is all my fault.

"Did you see a griever?" Chuck said to Thomas filled with all the glee of a kid in a candy store.

"Yea I saw one" Thomas sighed falling back onto the ground with me.

"He didn't just see it, he killed it" I said putting all the attention back on Thomas. I can't believe no one else had noticed her absence.

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