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Y/n's POV
It was dinner time again and everyone was in the dining hall. Aris was twiddling his left over corn cob infront of his face one of his many tricks as to not get chosen.

"I wanna go get some more water" I said standing up "You guys want some?" I asked.

"Oh I'm gonna come with you" Jules said standing up with me "I'm going to try and convince them for some more fried rice."

We walked around the back of the tables keeping our heads down, leaving Aris alone. It had become basic routine to blend into the background. If we looked weak they wouldn't pick us and then we wouldn't be separated, simple as that.

Minho's POV
Thomas was rambling on about this boy he had met last night. We had been in this facility for a day and already he was scheming up an escape plan for no apparent reason.

"Look we've been over this" Newt sighed "They were covered up you don't know what you saw."

"Yes I do. They were bodies." Thomas said irritated that none of us were taking this as seriously as he would like us to. It wasn't our problem what they were. "Aris said they bring in a new batch every night."

"Who the hell is Aris?" I asked.

Thomas nodded over to a scrawny kid sitting all by himself staring intently at his corn cob. He looked insane and weird. "Well, I'm sold" I laughed with the usual sarcasm.

"Until we know for certain let's just keep our heads down, try not draw any attention to ourselves a'right" Newt said setting the logical options in motion.

Thomas didn't like logical though. He liked being his dumb self so he slammed his hands on top of the metal table making it ring and then stormed after the kids that had just been called out by Rat Man.

Y/n's POV
Jules and I kept laughing all the way back to our seats as she picked carrot and rice out of her blonde hair. The lunch lady gave her the fried rice but not in a pleasant way sending it flying at her head instead.

We head yelling and fighting and immediately started running to Aris.

"What's going on?" I asked.

Aris just watched and pointed to the door where a group of boys where having a dispute with the guards. "It's Tim" he laughed slightly.

But this boy wasn't one I didn't know and his name certainly wasn't Tim it was the Greenie. It was Thomas which meant Minho had to be here too. If he was alive that is.

"Oh Y/n those are the boys, aren't they gorgeous?!" Jules gushed shaking my arm slightly.

"It's the boys!" I said back even more excitedly and broke away from Jules' grip and ran to them.

As I approached Thomas so did a larger group that consisted of Newt, Frypan, Winston, Jack and then there he was. Minho. My Minho. I felt my heart bleed at the sight of him. The impossible had happened he was alive and completely fine.

He stopped dead in his tracks. We just stood there staring at each other eyes wide and mouths agape, too stunned to say even a single word. He must have thought I died that night in the maze and yet here I was. Here we were, together and completely silent. We stepped closer both of us lifting up our arms to hold the other, to confirm that they exist but our hands just hovered there to scared to make the first move.

The other boys had calmed Thomas down and know stood off to the side watching the weird interaction between us. Jules and Aris behind Me.

"Minho..." I whispered his name, the rest of the sentence dying on my tongue.

"Get them to their bunks" Janson ordered the guards and before we had a chance I felt them dragging me away as they forced the boys in the opposite direction.

"Y/N!" Minho called trying to manoeuvre his way back to me.

"MINHO!" I called back fight against the guard as best as I could but it was no use. "NO! PLEASE!" I begged tears streaming down my face as we where escorted to our room.

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