And It All Comes Down To You

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Plot developing quite a bit in this chapter. And Romantic Snape? Well, as close as he gets...

Chapter title from "Gypsy" by Fleetwood Mac

"And how is the education of our dear protégée progressing, Severus? I am terribly sorry I have been too involved with start of term to check in with you. Lemon drop?"

"No, thank you. Progressing well. She is remarkably astute academically, as you suggested. She requires the employment of certain creative measures to keep her focused, but they appear to have been effective. Even her Potions work is developing nicely."

Dumbledore smiled, pleased. "And what of her connection to Lord Voldemort? Bear any resemblance?"

Snape flinched, unsure how to answer. "She is a skilled legilimens, but she understands she is not to use it unless commanded."

Dumbledore appeared amused. "She infiltrated your mind, Severus? I would have thought that nearly impossible. Unless of course you desired her to do so."

Snape shook his head. "It was a moment of weakness, Headmaster. It will not happen again."

"I should hope not," Dumbledore said sternly. "I would doubt your capabilities against the Dark Lord if you so easily fell prey to his daughter."

"I have as recently as today implemented a new arrangement that will reinforce the dynamics of our relationship — ensuring she is properly accustomed to submission."

"Well, doesn't that sound interesting?" Dumbledore mused. "I'm sure Sirius Black hopes this is a platonic arrangement, but you may spare me the details. Just keep in mind she is not much use to the Order if you completely eviscerate her power. We are teaching her to channel it— not give it up completely."

Severus bristled. He preferred things much more black and white, but he understood what was being asked of him. "Yes, sir. And you will be pleased with her defensive spell work. She will be a fortress on the defensive line in any future conflicts."

"You will have to overcome the challenge of avoiding discovery while practicing Apparition," Dumbledore reminded him. "I would not delay this training much longer. She cannot count on you to always be there when she needs to flee."

Snape nodded. "I will begin crafting a plan."

"Good. And Voldemort? No summons since term began? That seems a bit odd, don't you think?"

Snape shrugged indifferently, secretly quite happy to have been spared the agony of an audience with the Dark Lord lately. "He is busy recruiting, Headmaster. And with the unusual connection he seems to have developed with Harry Potter, he may feel he does not need my reports as frequently as he had planned."

"Yes." Dumbledore sipped from his cup of chamomile tea thoughtfully. "We will have to address that as well. If it continues to escalate, I may need you to intervene. Harry must learn to fend off Voldemort's intrusions."

Snape rubbed his eyebrows wearily. Training Rhiannon was one thing— one-on-one time with Potter was quite another. The boy was every bit as impertinent and arrogant as his dastardly father, not to mention rather thick-skulled.

"But with Voldemort," Dumbledore continued, "You must compartmentalize all of your interactions with— and feelings for— Miss Aspenfell. Voldemort cannot even see a glimpse of her face in your thoughts if you are called into his presence."

"I understand, Headmaster. There are no feelings. She is simply another task."

"Mmm," Dumbledore replied doubtfully. "Nonetheless, he can never know of her existence. If he knows her true identity, he will claim her as his own flesh and blood to fight alongside him. Or harm her, I fear, if he feels a threat. And if he does not know or suspect her parentage, I am afraid the consequences could be quite dire indeed. She is very beautiful, and we know his urges quite well. If he sees her in your memories, especially if any of those memories are— ..."

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