I Would Take You in the Darkness

688 13 18

🔥🔥🔥 MA warning. Kink.

Chapter title from "Tango in the Night" by Fleetwood Mac.

It happened to be a Hogsmeade weekend for the entire school, so Rhiannon's "date" with Snape was actually split evenly between him and McGonagall, while they both took a turn chaperoning students as well. Minerva's time with Rhiannon came first, and was spent on the mission of finding the perfect gown for the Yule Ball. A crisp chill in the air lent itself to holiday shopping, and the buildings of Hogsmeade were already showing signs of transforming from Halloween to Christmas.

Rhiannon positively glowed as she made her way through the cobblestone streets, knowing hardly a single face but greeting each with a grateful smile. Similar to her walk through the castle yesterday on Snape's arm, the students met her with curious gazes. A particularly curious band of young Gryffindors approached her and McGonagall head on.

"Good morning, Professor McGonagall," the one spoke. He had freckles, rather pointy ears, and a thick accent, and he looked to his head of house with anticipation, clearly seeing himself worthy of an introduction.

"Good morning, Mr. Finnegan," Minerva replied with a small smile, folding her arms in front of her in a clear standoff. Rhiannon knew she wouldn't budge. The boy and his friends looked pointedly in Rhiannon's direction before finally giving up their unsuccessful efforts and opting for Honeyduke's instead.

The women laughed and continued toward the dress shop, Rhiannon noticing Snape's watchful eye from a street corner nearby. She gave him a tiny wave, and he ducked back into a shop doorway, pretending to supervise a group of students.

"He is rather taken with you," Minerva mused.

Rhiannon shrugged. "Sometimes. You need a weather forecast to predict his moods. Though I think things are getting better."

"His life has not been easy," Minerva admitted. "We all give him a hard time for being so damn ornery and unpleasant, but if any of us walked a mile in his boots we would probably be the same."

Rhiannon nodded. "I'm beginning to learn that."

"And Sirius?" Minerva continued, not even attempting to disguise her nosy curiosity.

"Can also be ornery and unpleasant," Rhiannon answered with a sigh. "Minerva, did you know them well when they were students?"

"Oh, heavens yes, child," the older woman chuckled. She led Rhiannon into a shop with stunning gowns, any of which would steal the show at the Yule Ball.

"And they always hated each other?"

"Always," Minerva answered. "Natural enemies. But they both had more in common than you would think. Both were exceedingly unhappy at home, and both yearned for the opposite of what their home life offered them. Sirius was in love with the Muggle world— anything that would distance him from his family's pureblood obsession. Severus had a Muggle father, who rumor had it was angry and abusive, though he would of course never admit it or ask for help. He longed for a powerful magic that would allow him strength and revenge, so the Dark Arts were very tempting. Severus saw Sirius as a spoiled rich kid squandering his privilege; Sirius saw Severus as worshiping everything he was running away from. Perhaps if they'd had more clarity and maturity, they could have befriended in each other in their suffering. But obviously the opposite happened."

Minerva looked at her thoughtfully. "And now I suppose Dumbledore has given them a reason to hate each other even more."

They came to a stop in front of two dresses on display at the back of the shop, one red chiffon with gold beaded shoulders that draped in feather-like projections and a thin gold-beaded waist belt; the other a dark green satin with a billowing dramatic skirt, its top adorned with intricate black lace. The green was much more a traditional ball gown, while the red was more modern, more of a statement.

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