She is Dancing Away From You Now

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Severus fans— this is your chapter. Hang in until the end. 🔥🔥🔥 Major lemons.. "MA" rating. I honestly had no intention of this happening this soon, but it just felt right.

Chapter title from "Gypsy" by Fleetwood Mac

Sirius was reading when he heard the front door open. He had taken to reading Muggle classics to curb his boredom, borrowing from Remus's collection since his own family library would probably self-incinerate if Muggle tales were placed on its shelves.

His visitor was in fact Lupin himself, surprisingly sans Tonks. Sirius had gotten used to seeing them as a pair. His friend appeared weary from his travels, and Sirius immediately offered him some tea.

"It's good to see you, Moony. I hope you'll be able to stay awhile this time."

Remus nodded. "Our work is in fact complete, or rather forced to be so. I'm afraid the Dark Lord has caught on to our schemes, at least in some capacity."

Sirius felt the color drain from his face. "Is Rhiannon safe?"

Remus hesitated. "She is, though Voldemort does know of her existence."

"Fuck!" Sirius pounded his fist on the desk. "I want her back here, now, where I can protect her. She is my fiancé— her well-being should be my concern and mine alone. I am done playing these games."

Remus grabbed his arms to steady him, attempting to transfer some semblance of calm, but it didn't work. Sirius's mind was reeling, every cell wanting to spring into action.

"You have to trust the Order," his best friend reminded him gently.

"The hell I do. Dumbledore has 1000 concerns and Rhiannon is only one of them. She is my priority— to him she is only a puzzle piece." Sirius slumped down on the drawing room sofa, running a hand through his curls. He could feel a sweat breaking out as his adrenaline kicked in. He would simply have to transform into his Animagus form and sneak into Hogwarts. He'd done it before. It was not impossible.

Remus sat on the opposite sofa and sighed. "Sirius, I need you to think through this. Hogwarts is the safest place in the world. You know this. There she has Dumbledore, Severus, Minerva, and the protective enchantments of the castle itself. You trust them to take care of Harry. You have to trust them to care for Rhiannon too."

"I will never trust Severus Snape," Sirius spat.

Remus was silent and stared at him, anguish in his eyes. His friend wore his feelings on his sleeve, and Sirius always knew when something was bothering him. "What is it, Remus?"

"Sirius, I don't know how to tell you this."

Sirius flashed back to his meeting with Rhiannon in the Forbidden Forest. She had warned him they may be torn apart. He instantly knew the source of his friend's hesitation.

"You're forbidding her to see, me, aren't you?"

"I'm not, Remus insisted. "But the identity the Order has crafted for her necessitates that..."

"Then RECRAFT it!" Sirius jumped to his feet. "You're the bloody bloke they put in charge of this mission, so fix it— whatever it is! Merlin, Remus— you know I have to be with her, plain and simple. Whatever it takes."

"Whatever it takes?" Remus challenged. "Her death? Your death? Compromising the safety of your friends? Don't you think we have considered every possible scenario and weighed every possible outcome we could conceive? She is safer married to Severus, where Voldemort will assume she's being molded into the perfect Death Eater wife and..."

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