Who Will Be Her Master?

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One more one-shot written for the outtakes collection that I decided to go back and add to the full novel here on Wattpad. Later addition, but again, it belongs in the plot! The chapter title is taken from an alternate lyric in some live versions of "Rhiannon" by Fleetwood Mac.

Warning— explicit sex and BDSM violence

The hairs on Severus's arms were standing with agitation. Her words had grated on his nerve endings, making him want to pounce. The woman was a fool; the Dark Lord and his inner circle would obliterate her— twisting her as easily as one would rip a twig from a tree branch and crush it underfoot. She couldn't traipse through life carefree and headstrong now that her existence had been revealed — she would have to learn respect, caution, and submission. And Severus wasn't going to let it wait another night.

The contrast between the icy January air and the warmth of the castle was pronounced as they descended the winding stairs to the dungeons, only to be met quickly with the usual cool blast from the stone corridors. His heavy boots pounded their way through the lantern lit passage, and her tiny, soft leather ones pranced daintily behind. Severus glanced back at her to see a coy smile on her scarlet lips. She thought they were playing a game. Oh, the silly, naive girl.

"On the desk," he barked after unlocking his office door. Rhiannon seemed surprised for the abrupt stop.

"We're not going to bed?"



"When you ask me questions for the remainder of the evening— an action I suggest you keep to a minimum— you will address me as 'Master.' When answering my questions, 'sir' will suffice. Do you understand me?"

An irritating smirk snaked across the perfect bow of Rhiannon's lips. "Yes, of course, sir."

Severus sighed impatiently. "What did I ask you to do, 'goddess' Rhiannon?"

"Oh, yeah," she said with a jump and a giggle.

"Do you think you can giggle your way out of a transgression when you're in front of the Dark Lord?"

Rhiannon shrugged. "Probably...sir." She glided past him toward the desk, the little point of her nose raised regally in the air. Severus's nerves were now truly inflamed, and his teeth were locked tight. She paused when she reached the circular desk, trying to discern the exact meaning of his instruction. Severus enjoyed watching her proud face fall ever so slightly.

"Something wrong, Goddess?"

"Simply trying to please you, sir. Would you prefer me lying on the desk, Master? Sitting...leaning...?"

"Bent over, hands flat." Severus raised his wand to ensure the stacks of parchment still in need of marks weren't soiled by the evening's activities.

Surprisingly Rhiannon obeyed, her thin forearms resting on the smooth surface, the black chiffon of her top draping delicately atop the crest of her shoulder and gaping open to reveal her breasts' gentle swell. She'd lined her eyes more heavily that day, causing her green irises with their tantalizing amber strands to seem even more dramatic than usual. She'd obviously done a spell to straighten her golden hair, and it fell softly over the exposed parts of her flawless, glowing skin. Severus would teach her a lesson, unquestionably, but he would also get his pleasure from his wickedly beautiful goddess— more than once.

After removing his outer frock, he considered rolling the sleeves of his white shirt up to allow for freer movement. But as he looked at her there, submissive and serene like some ethereal creature, Severus decided to render himself even freer still. He quickly unbuttoned and removed the shirt altogether, allowing a rare reveal of his upper body. He had a deep desire for her to watch every twitch and strain of his muscles as he wielded his power over her. The thought was already causing a pleasant sensation to pulsate in his groin. He pointed his wand in its direction and cast the spell that would allow this night to unfold the way he wished.

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