Slip and I Fall and I Die

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Chapter title from "I'm So Afraid" by Fleetwood Mac. On this note- go give the song a listen. It's perfect for Severus, yes? And Sirius too...both wizards forced into loneliness and constant fear.

The summons had come hard and fast, just past midnight. Severus had kept his reaction to a minimum so not to disturb Rhiannon, who slept beneath his arm. He wasn't surprised in the least. Hogsmeade had many eyes, and he'd taken her there because deep down he wanted to get it over with, now that they had secured their plan. The faster he informed the Dark Lord, the sooner they could actually live instead of just plan and wonder.

"So I see you wasted no time in finding her, my faithful servant," Voldemort snickered. "Galavanting around Hogsmeade with her on your arm? Letting her tease you in a booth at The Three Broomsticks? What has gotten into you, Severus?"

"She has, my Lord. But I assure you her submission to me is complete. The girl willingly gives herself over to my every command."

Voldemort cackled this time. "Well isn't that fortunate for you? Let me see some of this...submission."

Severus tried not to wretch at the knowledge of Voldemort's connection to Rhiannon and instead pretended she was simply any other woman. He tentatively uncovered his memories from the night before, allowing the Dark Lord to see their games, but altering them slightly with a tinge of anger and a zeal for power on his part. He blocked every shred of love and replaced it instead with control.

The Dark Lord released his mind with a triumphant grin. "Can the poor thing walk?" he asked with a sickening laugh.

"No idea," Severus replied dryly. "She passed out almost immediately afterward from pain and exhaustion."

"Well, who is she?" Voldemort demanded impatiently. "Who could possibly be so important that you instantly decided she should be kept under your thumb as your whore?"

"Dumbledore has hired her as a professor, joining Hogwarts for second term," Snape answered. "His interest in her seems purely academic at this point— wanting to add a flashy new name to the staff roster. As he did with the insufferable Gilderoy Lockhart several years ago. Her name is Rhiannon Aspenfell, and she seems popular on the international book circuit. Wrote a book and will be teaching on 'practical magic.'"

"Practical magic?" Voldemort scoffed. "Elementary children in wizarding families can do as much. What exactly will she be teaching?"

"Well, I imagine the class is mostly for the benefit of Muggleborns," Severus began hesitantly, "And children of families who regrettably have allowed Muggle ways to infiltrate their day to day routines."

"And Dumbledore thinks this is necessary?" Voldemort asked incredulously. "Doesn't he worship Muggle ways?"

"Yes and no, my Lord. He is quite clear that Muggleborns and half-bloods are to be respected and welcomed at Hogwarts, but he does firmly believe that magical means are superior and must be preserved. He has also charged her with educating the students on...continuing magical bloodlines...shall we say...a task of which the Ministry fully approves."

"Sex education at Hogwarts? Sanctioned by Dumbledore? The old perv. Though we know his own proclivities never lended themselves to bloodlines," The Dark Lord snickered. Then his face turned serious again. "The girl had this. Don't think I've forgotten, Severus." He held the talisman once again, dangling from his bony finger.

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