Loving You Isn't the Right Thing to Do

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Small quotes from "Order of the Phoenix" in this chapter— credits to J.K. Rowling.

Chapter title from "Go Your Own Way" by Fleetwood Mac

It was Wednesday night; Rhiannon was to depart for Grimmauld Place on Friday, leaving Severus to celebrate Christmas in a near-empty castle once again. He had spent every Christmas essentially alone for as long as he could remember. Even as a child he would play alone in his room, listening to his father shout and his mother cry, as the alcohol always flowed more freely around the holidays. Someday, if Rhiannon forgave him, if Voldemort was defeated, if she still chose to remain in their marriage once safety was assured— Severus would have a proper Christmas. A tree, a feast, Yule log on the fire, music in the background, their children opening brightly wrapped new books, warm clothes, and sweet treats. That was a lot of big 'ifs,' but Snape wanted it. He just wanted to be normal. And happy.

Rhiannon had been cordial to him over the past few days, but nothing more. He rarely saw her— she had begun studying her seventh year texts, started to write her own Practical Magic lesson plans for when term resumed, and spent some time brewing her requested potions. Even if she did forgive him and settled back into their relationship, Snape knew things would be different. She had a life now, independent from his. She had grown so much in so few months, and she was obviously ready to fly. Months ago he never would have imagined being sad to see her go; she had been a thorn in his side, and now she was his lifeblood. He hated her and adored her at the same time.

A knock at the door awakened them both from their slumber in their separate rooms. Severus fastened his teaching robe over his nightshirt and stumbled to the door, concerned. Normally the only interruption he received at night came via his Dark Mark, not rapid knocks at the door. Rhiannon emerged from her own room in a lavender silk robe, her golden curls loose and sleep-tousled. He had never wanted anything as badly as he wanted her lips in that moment. Missing her was killing him.

Shaking himself out of his reverie, Snape opened the door to find McGonagall standing there, eyes somber and lips pursed. "I need you and Professor Aspenfell to come with me, please."

They followed Minerva up the winding staircases to the Headmaster's office, Snape's thoughts divided between his fear of the news on the other side and his desire as Rhiannon's hips swung at his eye level. He vowed to fully appreciate her beautiful behind the moment she was his again.

Focus, Severus, for fuck's sake. Someone could be dead.

Judging by the looks on the faces that filled Dumbledore's office, that was precisely what had happened. He was taken aback to see Harry Potter there, breathless with sweat on his brow, Ron Weasley even paler than usual standing by his friend's side.

"You wished to see me, Headmaster?" Snape asked cautiously.

"Severus, I'm afraid we cannot wait. You must begin Occlumency lessons with Harry the minute term resumes. You will have to discuss with Sirius first, of course, as his guardian, but it is not optional." Dumbledore turned his gaze to Rhiannon.

"Professor Aspenfell, Arthur Weasley was attacked by your father's snake tonight while on guard duty at the Ministry. Harry saw everything through their connection and alerted us immediately. You will be returning to Headquarters early along with Harry and the rest of the Weasley children. We need everyone back under the Order's protection as quickly as possible."

"I don't want her there," Harry argued. "She doesn't belong with us."

"Harry, please listen to me," Rhiannon began, but she was interrupted by Dumbledore.

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