Now I Best Be on My Way, Before the Night Turns Blue

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Enjoy the final chapter! Chapter title from "Say Goodbye" by Fleetwood Mac.

"Please state your name and your Ministry business," a rather automated voice spoke from a box at the entrance doors.

"Um, Rhiannon Aspenfell, Professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry," she answered as confidently as she could muster. She quickly calculated the time in her head and prayed Harry had already arrived, if he had found a way to get there. "I received notice that one of our students, Harry Potter, may be here, and I— I've come to retrieve him."

"Professor Aspenfell!" the female voice now cooed. "What an honor! Would you be so kind as to stop and autograph my book on the way out? I would be so grateful!"

"Yes, of course."

A cha-ching noise rang beside her and a badge appeared in the metal slot that read "Rhiannon Aspenfell- Honored Ministry Guest." Celebrity definitely had its advantages.

"Umm, Miss?" Rhiannon asked again, her voice smooth and charming. "Would you mind telling me where to find the Department of Mysteries? I believe that's where our bold young student may be found. I'm ashamed to say this is my first Ministry visit! If you could be so kind?"

It worked like a charm, and Rhiannon and her birds made their way to a dark tiled series of hallways. It was cold and extremely sterile, like not even a speck of dust was permitted. There was a desk where it seemed a security guard should be posted, but it was strangely vacant. The quiet that fell over it was deathly. She tiptoed into a circular space lit by a dark blue light— identical doors lining the walls.

Which door? She felt impatient as she tried to decide. Of course there was no directory; the room assumed anyone there had a purpose and a prior knowledge that would keep them from the quandary Rhiannon found herself in now. As she moved toward one, her senses were awakened. She smelled...Sirius. The spicy cologne, the beautiful garden at Grimmauld Place, that amazing tropical coffee. This must be the door— but how could she possibly smell him from the hallway? Was it a trick?

Rhiannon floated inside the door, surprised that she didn't have to use any spells to grant herself entry. At the center stood a majestic fountain with waterfalls of reddish pink potion spilling over into a pool at the bottom. Her blood raced a bit.

Amortentia. She had studied it in her sixth year Potions book, but Snape would never agree to brewing it in session. Now she knew why. He feared what she would smell. She seemed powerless to stop breathing it in. She knew minutes were being wasted — she could hear one of her birds chirping incessantly and thumping against the cage, seeming as aware of impending danger as she was. But all she could do was stand there and breathe in Sirius's scent as if it were a drug.

Stop. Keep looking. And stop wondering why you smell him and not Snape. It doesn't matter. It's just a freaking Potion.

Rhiannon left and chose another door. This time she was staring at a crystal dome that housed an egg inside. Cracks appeared slowly on the surface of the egg, and she watched, mesmerized as the shell fell away and a bird emerged— tiny, wings fluttering. Her own birds were all stirring now, beating their wings against the sides of the cage. The bird inside the dome rose to the top, then promptly sank back down, back into the egg.

What magic is this? she wondered, but there was no time to dwell. This obviously wasn't where she needed to be either.

She tried a third door, this time a large, ancient looking stone archway stood at the center, a silvery blue curtain waving tantalizingly within the arch. It certainly beckoned her, but not in a good way. She knew immediately it was something to, something to be conquered. As Rhiannon stepped nearer she heard distinct voices whispering— so many voices. She jolted suddenly with a memory of her mother— how her hand felt in hers the moment she passed away. Rhiannon jerked back. This was it. The room where she was needed. The enemy was Death, and she was here to fight it.

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