Author's Note: On Fleetwood Mac

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The chapter titles in this book are all taken from lyrics by the band Fleetwood Mac. The obvious connection is Stevie Nicks's classic song "Rhiannon," written in 1975, just before Epona would have gotten pregnant with my character Rhiannon. This is the timeframe known in HP fanfic world as the Marauders era, so the music would have likely reached the ears of a Muggle-fascinated teenager like Sirius Black. The band has British roots— three of the members during this timeframe were from England. The two Americans, Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham, had a tumultuous relationship, to put it mildly. Arguably the band's most famous album, Rumors, contained songs all based on love, breakups, affairs and was basically a giant soap opera of an album, which was the reason for its appeal. People thrived on the drama. Stevie even had an affair, cheating on Lindsey with fellow band mate Mick Fleetwood, one of his best friends. Lindsey was no saint himself, but his giant ego took this as a personal affront, and the two basically fought through song lyrics and dramatic performances onstage. Their drama-fueled lyrics make a fantastic inspiration for much of the love triangle events in this story. Added in with the British connection, the Marauders era connection, and the fact that many of their lyrics are heavily based in magic and mysticism, it was truly the perfect fit. Check out the songs mentioned at the beginning of each chapter!

 Check out the songs mentioned at the beginning of each chapter!

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Stevie Nicks as Rhiannon, 1978

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