Bleed to Love Her

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Song video added — swipe left above. ("Bleed to Love Her" by Fleetwood Mac). Such a beautiful, simple song that I've felt from the beginning really captures the way Severus is "all in" with the woman he loves.

Her high pitched squeal echoed off the cold marble of the entry hall to Malloy Manor, as black as her dress, as callous as her soul.

Lord Voldemort made a "tsk tsk" with his tongue. "I do apologize, my dear Severus. You see, I owed her a
Welcome Home present, and this is what she chose. I couldn't deny her when she'd been held captive for so long, now could I? Fourteen years— and not an ounce of love lost. Impressive devotion."

"Of course, I understand, my Lord." Severus grimaced and wriggled instinctively against the ropes that bound his wrists to the wall. A giant gash in his side dripped blood onto the floor.

Voldemort paced slowly back and forth, stroking his wand. "You should actually thank her, Severus. I offered your bride up as a prize instead, but my dear Bella preferred you."

"For now," the witch piped up with a smirk. She waved her wand once again and Snape vomited violently on the floor.

"My love, he's made a mess all over my sissy's nice floor," Bellatrix told the Dark Lord with a pout. "Will you please make him clean it up?"

"As you wish, dear. Your years in Azkaban have proven you most loyal and worthy of reward."

Voldemort released Snape from his binds and he dropped to the floor with a thud. He transfigured a rag and tossed it at Severus's head. "I am merciful enough, of course, to allow him the aid of a cleaning tool, yes? Though a wand would be quite useful here. 'Practical Magic'? Tell me, how are the home fires burning these days?"

"She is well, my Lord, though quite busy with teaching." Snape wiped up the mess with the rag, reminding himself it could always be worse. And it had been. "I have advised her to focus on her teaching career to remain in Dumbledore's good graces, and those of the Ministry, of course."

Voldemort chuckled. "Ah, yes. The teaching of basic magical principles to poor struggling Muggleborns. I'm fairly certain we could find a more useful task for her. I already have one spy at Hogwarts; I don't need another."

Snape finished cleaning the floor but remained on his knees, knowing better than to rise before commanded to do so. "She is uniquely positioned, my Lord. Dumbledore thinks of her like a daughter, and has already proven to make unwise decisions when in her presence. I think it will be useful to exploit his emotional pitfalls."

"Well, if she is so impressive she has captured both you and Dumbledore under her spell, I simply must insist on meeting her. This has gone on too long without a formal introduction, don't you think? My feelings are a bit hurt, Severus."

Bellatrix slinked over to her master's side. "Indeed. I hear she's a rather pretty thing. Platov has been mouthy about her ever since I got back— says he didn't get his fill in the alley that night. Been begging me to set it straight for him, but wouldn't it be better to get the girl herself?" Her blood red lips opened to reveal teeth blackened by years of prison neglect, but the way she held her body at the Dark Lord's side showed she still fancied herself a worthy consort.

"I still owe Platov a punishment," Voldemort mused. "For obliviating Miss Aspenfell's memories that night. Tell me, Severus, were you able to jog her memories of the trinket?"

"She confirmed when she purchased it in the second hand shop, she was told it held the ability to conquer death. She thought nothing of it, thought it a bit silly.  But bought it nonetheless to free herself from the salesman. He was rather pushy and she grew tired of his advances. If you'll permit me to retrieve my robe, my Lord, I will return the talisman to you."

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