Time Cast a Spell on You, But You Won't Forget Me

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I feel like all Sev fics have to have their "come-to-Lily" moment, do they not? Here is mine. Seems like as good a time as any...probably not the most exciting chapter, but nice to get over this emotional hurdle.

Note: Excerpt from "Order of the Phoenix" included in this chapter, all credits to J.K. Rowling.

Chapter title from "Silver Springs" by Fleetwood Mac

Snape jumped to his feet when he heard Umbridge's door open. He had almost dozed off right there in the hallway, a fact that surprised him since he was normally so alert at all times. He had expended a great deal of energy today between the staff meeting, Rhiannon's bedroom, and their duel in the Room of Requirement. As beautiful and tantalizing as the girl was, fastened head to toe in her modest, virginal attire, Snape honestly hoped she would just want to rest tonight.

She nearly ran to him after exiting Umbridge's office, slipping her arms around his neck as if they'd been apart for days rather than a matter of minutes.

"I did it," she whispered gleefully. "She likes me!"

Snape's brow furrowed. "I'm not sure Dolores Umbridge liking you is a compliment, but I am glad you achieved the task at hand. So she will not be challenging your post at Hogwarts?"

Rhiannon shook her head as they began their descent to the dungeons. "Nope, good to go. Unless she catches us snogging," she said. "Then I'm out."

Snape stopped. "Did she really say that?"

Rhiannon laughed. "Yes. She was rather preoccupied with the idea of you and me."

"Disgusting," he muttered.

Rhiannon laced her fingers with his and pulled him down the stairs. "Come on, Severus, you know when folks see two gorgeous people like us together, their minds can't help but wander. I told you earlier today, there are plenty of females in this castle more than a little curious as to what's under Professor Snape's robes..."

She was obviously in one of her more flirtatious moods this evening. He would have a hard time fighting her off. But if she thought the idea of Umbridge imagining them together would turn him on, she had a long way to go.

"I should punish you for even putting the idea of sex and that revolting woman in the same sentence," Snape told her, opening the door to his quarters. He waved his wand to light the lanterns on the wall and start a fire.

Rhiannon's arms were around his neck again, her green eyes lustful as they looked into his. "Yes, please punish me, Professor."

He raised an eyebrow. "I owe you several punishments now, I believe. This latest, the one for your crude and juvenile sex jokes, and the most severe of all, for lying to me." He grabbed the back of her hair and gave it a small tug as a preview.

"What did I lie about?"

Snape cleared his throat. "You said you were ready."

"I was ready. Could you not see that? Feel it?" Rhiannon teased, running the tip of her tongue over his lips.

Snape pushed her away so hard she landed on the leather sofa, her eyes wide with shock.

"I didn't mean your cunt," he growled. "Your mind and your heart were not mine. One can easily give the body, but you gave your soul, with your mind and heart knowingly elsewhere. Now you're going to have to deal with the disconnect— the brokenness, the confusion."

Rhiannon rose to her feet again. "Now just a minute, Severus Snape. No one ever knows where the hell your mind is, but don't tell me for one second that you have given your heart to me. Everyone knows that is not true."

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