Shatter Your Illusions of Love

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MA— 🔥🔥. Some Padfoot kink. 🐺 Skip if that bothers you. If you do skip it, you're only missing classic "kink-replacing-adult-conversations-and-emotion." These characters are fun but 'Siriusly' flawed. 😆

Chapter title from "Gold Dust Woman" by Fleetwood Mac.  Editing note: I changed this chapter title 12/8/21 and added a new song video. This fits SOOOOO much better.
The sun was creeping in the highest floor window of Grimmauld Place when Sirius Black finally stumbled to bed, his belly full of the breakfast they'd hastily prepared upon Molly's 5:10 a.m. return from St. Mungo's. Arthur was going to be fine— just needed a few more days to stop the bleeding, since Nagini's venom apparently contained a strong anti-coagulant. They'd all decided to try for a few hours of sleep before lunchtime, then Molly, Harry, and the Weasley kids planned to visit the hospital for the afternoon. Sirius knew that was the opportunity to get some conversations out of way with Rhiannon, as much as he dreaded it.

As soon as she had gone to bed hours ago, Sirius turned to Harry for clarification on his "snogging" comment. Harry relayed a story about the Yule Ball and how Rhiannon and Snape had shocked everyone by making out publicly on the dance floor. According to Harry, Snivellus had taken the blame on himself, claiming he'd forced himself on her, but Harry admitted that to him it looked like Rhiannon was the forceful one. Sirius knew her— he wasn't surprised by such boldness, though her choice of a target floored him. And he knew her well enough to know that if they were snogging, they were also shagging. But of course he didn't tell Harry that; he'd simply poured himself another glass of firewhisky and spent the remainder of the wee morning hours in silence.

Sirius laid beside her, stripped down to his boxers. He'd swallowed a draught to help his hangover headache after breakfast, but he still needed to sleep it off. Rhiannon was in a more modest nightgown than she usually chose— white cotton, fitted more like a man's shirt. Her hand lay on his pillow, his ring staring at him like a joke. Her legs were bare and dared his hand to find them.

Did it matter if she'd slept with the git? Did it change anything sexually at all for the two of them now? She was still there for two weeks, her skin was just as soft, her lips just as delicious, her pussy still wet and tight and better than the sad, empty nothing he'd had since September. Of course he couldn't marry her, but he'd known that deep down anyway once Remus had broken the news to him weeks ago, despite his ego needing to blast some false bravado.

Sirius knew he was rationalizing but didn't really care. He'd been through enough in his life that he deserved the chance to be reckless. He moved one leg over hers and slipped an arm around her, his chest crashing to hers and his mouth against her ear.

"How many times did you fuck him?" Sirius whispered in a raspy voice before biting down on her earlobe and digging his nails like claws into her behind.

Rhiannon's eyes flew open with zero shock or surprise, locking to his, ready to play the game. "Fewer than I fucked you."

"Mmm, I see." His hand invaded her nightshirt, gripping her breast so tightly she winced. "So who's bigger?"

"Really, Sirius?"

"It's a natural question."

"No, actually it's not. The way you two behave about each other, I'm wondering if you should just fuck and leave me out of it."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that Severus and I had a huge fight days before I came here because he got off to a memory he stole of me sucking your cock," she answered stiffly.

Sirius's face broke out into a laugh and he tried to ignore he how turned on he got from hearing that bit of information. "Well, I guess Snivellus already knows who's bigger then. Come on, clue me in."

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