House Call and Plans

589 22 15

Y/N: Mom?! Dad?!

I ran around the bottom floor of my home, but I couldn't find anyone.

Aasim: Anything?

He asked as I met up with him, Louis and Glenn in the kitchen.

Y/N: *Sigh* Nothing down here, I'm gonna check upstairs. Louis, bottles are in the cupboard above the sink. Aasim, jars of food are in the larder beside the fridge. Glenn, medicine in the corner cupboard.

They all nodded and went to do their jobs, as I climbed the stairs, silently praying that my parent were up there.

I reached out with a shaky hand and twisted the knob of my parents' bedroom.

The room was empty, and a mess. The clothes from the wardrobe and drawers were all over the floor. They clearly rushed packing.

I looked over to Mom's bedside table and noticed that a photo of me and her was missing.

I quickly checked the bathroom, nothing had been touched, and then my room.

At first glance, nothing had changed, but when I took a closer look, the family photo I kept on my desk was missing, along with my watch that I forgot to put on this morning.

The disappointment then hit me. They weren't here. But I was a little hopeful. They got away. Maybe they're still alive.

I got lucky. Every other house we went to, we found people's families as either infected or dead.

I trudged down the stairs and into the kitchen, where my friends were waiting for me.

Y/N: They're not here.

They all looked at me sympathetically.

Louis: Hey, maybe they're still alive out there somewhere.

I gave him a small smile.

Y/N: You're right. *Sigh* You get everything?

Aasim: Yeah, we've thrown everything on the bus already.

Y/N: That's good.

Glenn: Y/N, where are we going now?

I thought for a second. My hand wandered to the gun that was in my trousers.

Y/N: We need weapons. Something to protect ourselves with against the infected.

Glenn: Where do find find the weapons?

Louis: We need a better name than "the infected"

Y/N: The police station.

Louis: No, don't think that name would work...

Aasim then whacked Louis in the back of the head.

Y/N: Think about it. The police station is the most protected place around here, and it has an armoury full of guns.

Aasim: The police station it is then.

He looked out the window at the sky. The sun was threatening to break through.

Aasim: Will we go now or wait?

Y/N: How long will it take to get there?

Glenn: Um... 40 minutes?

Y/N: Let's go now.

The four of us then left my house and climbed into the bus, where everyone except Mitch and Violet were sleeping.

Violet: You all set?

Y/N: Yeah. We're going to the police station, we need more weapons.

Mitch stayed silent but nodded.

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