The New World Law

379 14 15

3rd Person POV

Y/N slowly wakes up to the sound of banging. As his vision clears, he realizes that the noise is Ed banging on the door in the barn.

Ed: Open the goddamned door! You can't keep us in here! Open up! I will tear you fuckers apart with my bare hands!

Glenn: Will you stop that banging?! We've gotta find another way out!

Clem: Y/N.

Clem said softly as she helped Y/N sit up. Aj and Sophia came over to help Y/N too.

Sophia: They tried to make us eat a person!

Y/N: But you didn't do it?

Sophia: No...

AJ simply shakes his head.

Ed: The rest of us did, goddamn it! 

Y/N looks around at his friends to see them all disagreeing. Only Ed ate the meat.

Ed: If you hadn't dragged your feet...!

Carol: C'mon, honey. Now's not the time.

Carol reasoned, trying to calm Ed down.

Y/N: You okay, kids? They didn't hurt you, did they?

AJ: (shakes head) Mm-mm.

Sophia: They pulled my hair a bit, but I'm okay.

Ed: (banging on door) Open up!

Y/N get to his feet and joins Aasim, Louis and Willie by a table of salt licks. Louis lifts one, and nearly drops it.

Louis: Pretty heavy.

He says as he leaves it back.

Willie: Think we could toss it through the door?

Aasim: Nah. Door's too solid.

Louis: Maybe if we wait a little longer, Ed will punch the door down.

Willie: I'm sure Ed's ego is big enough to knock the door down.

Y/N looks over at Clementine trying to comfort AJ and Sophia.

Clem: Don't give up. We're gonna find a way outta here.

AJ: Can we help?

Clem: Sure. You keep your eyes open for exposed screws or loose panels...anything we can pry away to open a passage out of here.

Sophia: Okay.

Glenn: C'mon, Ed. Do you really wanna attract their attention?

Ed: Yeah, I wanna attract their attention so I can fucking kill them!

Glenn: Guess your new girlfriend wasn't all she was cracked up to be.

Ed: What the hell is your people's problem? 

He then turns and points at Y/N, but speaks loud enough as if he was addressing the entire group.

Ed: You refused to give food back at the camp, but you gave my family food. And then you go out of your way to threaten me. You must really hate me. But guess what? You're stuck with me. I plan to be around long after you're gone. And if you turn, I'll be the one to put the axe through your skull!

Sophia hugs Clementine during her father's outburst, trying to hold her tears.

Carol: Ed, stop!

Ed: You don't tell me what to do, woman!

Violet: You mother fucker!

Clem and Violet both stood up to defend Carol, but Ed paid them no attention and continued to glare at Y/N.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2022 ⏰

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