Bandit's Camp

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Mark and I sprinted through the main gate as Andy, Danny, Brenda, and Brenda's husband came out the house.

Danny: Oh my God, what happened?

I glared at Andy.

Y/N: The fuck do you think you're doing! Turning on the fence when you know we're out there!

Andy looked to the ground guiltily.

Andy: I...I heard Mark yell. I thought y'all were givin' me the all-clear.

Brenda: Who did this to you, sweetheart?

Man: I'll tell ya who. It was those dirty bastards in the woods.

The man spoke with a gruff voice, a voice that commanded obedience.

Y/N: Yeah, came out of the woods and shot Mark.

Just then we heard the sound of an engine revving. We all turned around to see the bus driving up the farm lane.

Once it stopped, everyone climbed out and for the first time in hours, things started to be looking up.

Along with the rest of my group, was Carol, with her daughter Sophia, and her husband, Ed.

Ed had one of his trouser legs rolled up, from where I cut off his leg, and he was walking with makeshift crutches.

Although I've barely spoken to Ed, I glared at him with fury, because I very quickly figured out that he beat his wife and daughter.

Clem: Mark! Oh my God are you okay?

Everyone came rushing over as fast as they could.

Y/N: Bandits attacked us.

Violet: The same ones from the road?

Y/N: Not sure. Those ones used guns. These guys were using bows.

Mitch: Do we know where these assholes are?

All eyes were now on the St. John's.

Danny: They're a little hard to pin down, but I think I know where one of their camps are.

Y/N: Good. Alright give us a few minutes send then you and me can head over there Danny.

Brenda: Why don't I take you inside to patch you up.

She said as she grabbed Mark's arm and dragged him into the house, shutting the door behind them.

We all then separated to check out the farm.

Clem: Hey.

She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and gave me a hug.

Y/N: Hey. How was things while I was gone?

Clem: Things were good. Nothing out of the ordinary.

I nodded, glad to hear that everything was okay.

Clem: I am worried about that Ed guy.

Y/N: Why? Did he do anything to Sophia or Carol?

Clem: No. He's just really pissed at you for cutting off his leg.

Y/N: Yeah, I'll talk to him when I get back.

Clem: Good idea.

Y/N: Hey, how's AJ?

Clem: He's okay. He's worried about you.

This caused me to smile.

Y/N: There's a swing set up by the house, tell him I'll push him on it later.

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