St. John's Family Dairy

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We walked through the gate as I looked around.

The place looked untouched. As if walkers didn't exist.

Andy: Here it is. St. John's family dairy.

Danny: Y'all can see how we keep this place so safe.

He said, gesturing to the electric fence around the property.

Mark: The fence keeps them out?

Danny: You betcha. They fry like bugs in a zapper.

Andy: We're pushing four thousand volts through that thing, with generators and amps.

I still felt really uneasy about this place, like something wasn't right with these people. And by looking at Vi, I could tell she felt the same.

Mark, however, looked in awe of the farm, and saw nothing wrong with the 2 brothers.

Violet: You ever have any accidents?

Andy: Nah.

Danny: It's safer here than out there.

I looked at the front door of the house as it swung open, revealing a woman and a man, both look to be in their mid 50s.

The woman started walking down the drive to meet us, while the man stood at the door, not taking his eyes off us. This only fueled my paranoia about this place.

Woman: I though I saw y'all with company comin' down the drive.

Andy: Guys, this is our Mama.

Woman: I'm Brenda St John and welcome to the St John's Family Dairy.

Andy: This here's Y/N. Him and his people are camped up on the other side of the forest.

Danny: They got a few more friends staying at their camp.

Brenda: But your just a kid. Do you lead the group?

Brenda asked, turning to Mark.

Mark: Me? Oh.. um..

Y/N: I lead the group.

Brenda looked at me surprised.

Brenda: Oh my. That must be so much pressure for someone as young as you.

Y/N: We all help each other.

Brenda: That's good. Well now that y'all are here, we can make sure you're safe and comfortable.

Y/N: Does that offer apply to the others in our group?

Mark: We're all extremely hungry.

Brenda smiled widely at Mark, handing him a basket full of baked good.

Brenda: These are for y'all. Baked fresh this morning.

Andy: Can't get food like that anymore. Least not without a cow for milk and butter. That's for sure.

Brenda: That's right. Hopefully Maybelle will make it through this bout of whatever she's got and be with us for a good long while.

Mark: I'm sorry about your cow.

Brenda: Thank you, dear.

Brenda turned back to face me.

Brenda: Is there many folks on your group?

Y/N: There's enough of us.

Brenda: Well how about y'all go get your group and bring them back here, and I'll prepare a nice, big meal for all you hungry souls.

I didn't trust the St. John's at all, but the promise of food was far to tempting not to turn down.

Y/N: That would be amazing, thank you.

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